Rethink Open Training Series

Rethink Open Training Series

Register: Rethink Open Training Series


Practice Management Trainings

Open Training Series - Client Set up Essentials - Review set-up steps required at the Company Account and client levels to be able to schedule clients in Rethink.

Open Training Series - Staff Setup Essentials- Review set-up steps required at the Company Account and staff profile levels to be able to schedule staff in Rethink.

Open Training Series - Scheduling (The Basics)- Review the different calendar views and learn how to schedule different appointment types.

Open Training Series - Reporting (The Basics)- Review how to pull reports and the purpose of specific reports within the Rethink platform.


Clinical Trainings

Open Training Series - Skill Acquisition Essentials - Review how to use the program library, add programs to clients, and effectively and efficiently edit programs for data collection.

Open Training Series - Behavior Support Essentials - Review how to write a behavior support plan. Strong focus on required fields, optional fields, and reviewing BSPs.

Open Training Series Data Collection Essentials - Review how to complete a session on the mobile app, sync sessions, how to find data and session notes on the website, and how to make needed edits to data on the website.

Open Training Series - Creating Templates & Funder Reports - Review how to create a Treatment Plan template, how the fields in the template builder are mapped to information in the Rethink platform, and how to use the template to create a client Funder Report.

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