DPH On Demand Tutorial

DPH On Demand Tutorial



Good To Know



Good To Know

Running a report

In reporting dashboard>DPH Integration, when running a report the following message will now appear:


The report will now run in the background, and the user will receive an email when the report has finished running


DPH Report Email

When the report has finished running, the user will receive an email. Clicking the link will take the user to rethink.


The email will be sent to the email address listed for the user under Staff Members>General Information

My reports- Pending

In the “my reports” tab under reporting dashboard>dph integration, the user will now see the “pending” status in yellow text for reports that are currently running



The report file only receives a name when the report has finished running, so the “report name” field will be blank while a report is pending

My reports- Download

If the report has successfully finished running, there will be a “download” link under status. Click this to download the report.

download dph report.png


A failed report will result in red text saying “fail” listed under status

dph fail.png



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