Rethink APIs

Rethink APIs

Rethink’s APIs and Data Warehouse are ways for organizations to access their data from Rethink via an Application Programming Interface (API). The Data Warehouse (DWH) updates nightly and provides more end points than our Live APIs, but users would need to be aware that the data is not ‘live’ and therefore will always be at least one day behind the live environment. The Live API is real-time access to data, but it currently allows for fewer end points than the DWH. Organizations who are interested in DWH/APIs are encouraged to review the information below and related Swagger documentation.

Rethink’s Data Warehouse

  1. What does the Data Warehouse provide?

    1. Rethink’s Data Warehouse provides backend access to your company’s data stored within the Rethink platform. This tool will allow you to extract data for analysis and customize reports for your operational needs.

    2. See full Swagger doc here for all data fields currently available.

  2. Is there a cost associated with the Data Warehouse?

    1. Yes, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information

  3. How do I access the Data Warehouse?

    1. Connecting to Rethink’s data warehouse requires that your company currently has a business intelligence tool (i.e. Power BI, Tableau)

    2. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to request access

    3. Your CSM will send an updated contract

    4. Once the contract is signed, your CSM will provide you with credentials and the appropriate Swagger documents to get started

CRMs - Collaborative, Operational, and Analytical

  1. What does the public API provide?

    1. Company Account

      1. GET Locations, Staff Credentials, Employee Types, Roles, Funders

      2. POST Locations (add, update, delete)

    2. Client

      1. GET - Client ID, Status, Staff Assignments, all clients

      2. POST - Client profile, files, Contacts, Staff Assignments (add, manage, delete), Authorizations (delete)

    3. Staff profile

      1. GET - Staff ID, Status, Pay codes, Credentials, all staff

      2. POST - Staff profile, files, Pay codes, Credentials (add, update, delete)

    4. Appointments

      1. GET appointment ID, session note

      2. POST Appointments (add, update, delete)

    5. Funders

      1. GET - Funder name, Service lines, Billing Codes

      2. POST - Funder Profile (add, update, delete)

  2. How do I access Rethink APIs?

    1. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to request access

    2. Your CSM will provide credentials and the appropriate Swagger documents to get started

  3. Is there a cost associated with Rethink public APIs?

    1. Yes, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information

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