Manage Specific Quiz | Quiz Enhancements

We need to add a screen that allows users to view each student’s quiz submission for a specific quiz.

User Story: As an educator, I want to view a list of students who have/have not completed the quiz AND I want to view completed quizzes, so I can ensure my students are learning new skills.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am an educator who has clicked on a quiz from the Manage Assignments screen, I will see a list of all students I have access to who are assigned to or who have completed the quiz, based on filter selections.

  • Given that the student has not completed the quiz, we will show the unassign icon.

  • Given that the student has completed the quiz and has not yet been reassigned the quiz, we will show the reassign icon.

  • Given that I have clicked the unassign icon and confirmed I want to unsassign the quiz from the student, the student’s name will disappear from this list and the student will be unassigned from the quiz (quiz will not show in student center).

  • Given that I have clicked the reassign icon and confirmed I want to reassign the quiz to the student, I will see a new row for the student showing the quiz as not complete, and the student will see the quiz as not started in the student center under Due Today.

  • Given that I have clicked the reassign icon and confirmed I want to reassign the quiz to the student, I will continue to see the completed quiz for the student, in addition to the new assignment of the quiz.

  • Given the student has completed the quiz, and no one has yet reviewed it, I will see the Needs Review button.

  • Given the student has completed the quiz, and a user has already reviewed it, I will see the Reviewed button.

  • Given the student has completed the quiz, and no user has started a discussion with the student, I will see the Start button in the discussion column.

  • Given the student has completed the quiz, and a user has already started a discussion with the student, I will see the number of messages sent by users and the student in the discussion column.


General Concept


  • When the user clicks to view an assignment from the Manage All Assignments screen, they will see a table indicating the details of the assignment for each student

  • We will show a heading formatted as Domain Name | Area Name | Assignment Type | Grade | Tier Level

  • We will show a bar denoting class average and students who have completed the quiz

  • We will show one row for each instance of this assignment

  • We will show a column for:

    • Student Name

    • Status

    • Score

    • Date Assigned

    • Date Completed

    • Unassign/Reassign

    • Review

    • Discussion

  • The user may click the Load more button to load additional rows

  • If the user clicks on the “-” icon under the Unassign/Reassign column, the user will see a message asking if they are sure they would like to unassign the item. If the user clicks Unassign, the item will be unassigned from the student and this assignment will no longer show on the screen.

  • If the user clicks on the “+” icon under Unassign/Reassign column, the user will see a message asking if they are sure they would like to reassign the item. If the user clicks Reassign, the item will be assigned to the student and a new row will show for that assignment.

  • When the user clicks on the student name or reviewed/needs review link, they will be taken to the Review Assignment screen.

  • When the user clicks on an item in the Discussion column, they will be taken to the Review Assignment Screen (messaging will exist here).

  • When the user clicks on an item in the Discussion column, they will be taken to the Messaging Screen.

  • If the user clicks on the print button, we will print the assignment block as it currently shows on the screen

  • If the user clicks the export button, we will export the assignment block based on the current view.

  • Users may sort the table by any column

Business Rules

  • Domain name will show the lesson domain associated with the item

  • Area will show the lesson area associated with the item. For mental health items, this will not show.

  • Assignment Type will show Quiz.

  • Grade will show the grade associated with the item

  • Tier will show the tier(s) associated with the item. For mental health, this will not show.

  • Class average will be the average score students received on this quiz within the selected date range

  • Students completed will show both the number of students who have completed the quiz and the percent of students who have completed the quiz (out of those assigned), based on the filter settings

  • Student

    • We will list a row for each instance of the assignment within the date range. This means that if a student was assigned the item twice or submitted the item twice within the date range, their name will appear twice in the list. If a student was never assigned the item within the date range, they will not show in the list.

    • Students who have completed the assignment are clickable.

  • Status

    • Not Complete will show if the student was assigned the item, but did not complete it within the date range

    • Complete will show if the student completed the assignment within the date range

  • Score

    • We will show the score the student received on the quiz

  • Date Assigned

    • This will show the date the item was assigned to the student

  • Date Completed

    • This will show the date the item was completed by the student

    • If the student did not complete the item within the date range, we will show --

  • Unassign/Reassign

    • We will show the unassign icon “-” for any student who has not completed the assignment, regardless of date range. Clicking this will unassign the item from the student.

    • We will show the the reassign icon “+” for any student who has completed the assignment and does not have another instance of the item currently not completed, regardless of date range. Clicking this will assign the item to the student.

  • Review

    • If the student has not yet completed the assignment, we will show --. This is not clickable.

    • If the student has completed the assignment but the teacher has not yet marked it as reviewed, we will show Needs Review. Clicking this will take the user to the review screen.

    • If the student has completed the assignment and the teacher has already marked it as reviewed, we will show Reviewed. Clicking this will take the user to the review screen.

  • Discussion

    • If no discussion has been had related to this assignment, we will show Start. Clicking this will take the user to the view assignment screen (messaging will be available here)

    • If a discussion has been started related to this assignment, we will show the number of messages sent/received. Clicking on this will take the user to the view assignment screen (messaging will be available here) and they will see the messages sent and received.

    • For now, only show discussion buttons for complete quizzes. The column should be blank for quizzes not complete.

  • Delete this instance

    • Do not need to implement this at this time. Showing in design as an idea for a future enhancement.

  • Sort

    • Users may sort by any column, but we will default to sorting by date assigned (most recent to least recent)

Filter by Region


  • Admins will see a filter for Region above the report

  • Clicking on this will produce a list of all regions

  • Clicking on a region will filter the results based on the selected region

Business Rules

  • Region filter will show for users with a role marked is admin AND have access to more than 1 region

  • We will list all regions the user currently has access to

  • Regions will be listed alphabetically

  • This is a single-select filter

  • If a region was previously selected on another screen (i.e. manage all assignments screen), we will keep this filter selection

Filter by Building


  • Admins will see a filter for Building above the report

  • Clicking on this will produce a list of all buildings

  • Clicking on a building will filter the results based on the selected building

Business Rules

  • Building filter will show for users with a role marked is admin AND have access to more than 1 building

  • We will list all buildings the user currently has access to

  • Buildings will be listed alphabetically

  • This is a single-select filter

  • If the user selected a region, we will only list the buildings associated with that region

  • If the user selects a building and then changes the region, the building filter will reset

  • If a building was previously selected on another screen (i.e. manage all assignments screen), we will keep this filter selection



  • If the user clicks the search button, they will be able to type in the box to search by student name

Business Rules

  • If the user searches a name, we will search across first and last names for all students who are/were assigned the item based on filter settings

Classroom Filter


  • If the user clicks the classroom filter, they may select a classroom from the list.

  • This selection will filter the data on the screen to reflect assignment data for students in the selected classroom.

Business Rules

  • The classroom filter will show all classrooms

    • the user is currently has access to AND

    • that have students assigned to at least 1 item or students who have submitted at least 1 item

  • We will list classrooms alphabetically

  • This is a single select filter

  • If the user filters by classroom, we will only show details for the assignment for students in the selected classroom

  • If a classroom was previously selected on another screen (i.e. manage all assignments screen), we will keep this filter selection

Date Filter


  • If the user clicks on the date filter, they will see a variety of pre-set options and a calendar to select a date range.

  • The pre-set options are:

    • Past 7 days

    • Past 30 days

    • Past 90 days

    • Past year

  • If the user clicks on dates on the calendar, they will need to select 2 dates to create a date range.

Business Rules

  • If the user filters by date range, we will only show students actively assigned to the item within the date range OR students who completed the item within the date range

  • We will default to Past Year (365 days)

  • If a date range was previously selected on another screen (i.e. manage all assignments screen), we will keep this filter selection