Program Tools (Admin UI)

We need to create a modified version of what is now the main dashboard. This area will house all of the teaching tools.



  • When the user clicks on the Program Tools button in the upper nav, they will come to a screen that is similar to the current main dashboard

  • We will NOT show the list of students at the bottom of the page.

  • We will not show quiz scores (non admins will continue to see this block)

  • On this screen, they will see Lesson Library, My Resources, My Training, Behavior, Assessments, and Incidents

  • Above this, we will show a filter for region and building.

  • If the user selects a region and/or building, the content on the screen will not change. However, some blocks may show a message stating the feature is not available for the building/region selected.


Business Rules

  • This applies to all users marked “is admin role” with access to more than 1 building.

  • The filters are a single select

  • The user will see all components based on what has been allocated to the account level they belong to. Meaning, a district level admin will see see all components allocated to the district and a region level admin will see all components allocated to the region.

  • Lesson Library will show if Skills or SEL lessons have been allocated

  • My Resources will show if Skills/SEL lessons or behavior have been allocated

  • My Training will show if Basic ABA PD, Advanced ABA PD, Disability Awareness PD, SEL PD, Fundamentals PD, or Neurodiversity have been allocated

  • Behavior will show if behavior has been allocated

  • Assessments will show if Skills or SEL lessons or VBMAPP have been allocated

  • Incidents will show if Skills or SEL lessons have been allocated, but behavior has not