Behavior (Admin UI)

We need to make adjustments to the behavior screen to improve performance and create a better UX for admin users.


Main Behavior Screen


  • When the user clicks an action button next to a tool, a modal will show with additional selectors

  • If the user filters to a region/building that does not have access to a tool, they will see a message indicating this.


Business Rules

  • This applies to all users marked “is admin role” with access to more than 1 building.

  • If a region/building was previously selected on the Program Tools, Lesson Library, My Resources, My Training, or Assessments Screen, these filters will remain

  • The user will see all components based on what has been allocated to the account level they belong to. Meaning, a district level admin will see see all components allocated to the district and a region level admin will see all components allocated to the region.

  • Training, Materials, Incidents, and Behavior Plans will show/be accessible if behavior has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • Incidents will show/be accessible if Skills or SEL lessons have been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to these components, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.



  • The block will be laid out on a longer format

  • Clicking view training will produce the behavior trainings (no difference from current functionality)

Business Rules

  • Same as above



  • The block will be laid out on a longer format

  • Clicking view materials will produce the behavior materials (no difference from current functionality)

Business Rules

  • Same as above



  • The block will be laid out in a longer format

  • Clicking View Incidents or Record Incidents will produce the selector modal

  • The user will first select a region (if they have not already done so)

  • Once a region has been selected, the user will select a building (if they have not already done so)

  • Once a building has been selected, the user has the option of selecting a team member. The user may also search for a team member by name.

  • From here, the user will select a classroom. The user may also search for a classroom by name.

  • The user will click View (for view incidents) or Record (for record incidents) once all selections have been made

  • This design will also apply to the Incidents block on the main screen for SEL Only accounts

Business Rules

  • Region

    • If the user has access to multiple regions, they will first need to select a region.

    • If a region was previously selected on the upper filter, this filter will not show

    • No other choices can be made until a region has been selected.

    • This is a single select.

    • We will only list regions that have behavior student licenses allocated (or sel student licenses for incidents)

  • Building

    • Once a region has been selected, the building filter will become accessible.

    • If a building was previously selected on the upper filter, this filter will not show

    • We will only show buildings assigned to the selected region that have been allocated behavior student licenses (or sel student licenses for incidents)

    • This is a single select.

    • If the user does not have access to more than 1 region, they will go straight to the building filter.

  • Team Member

    • Once the user selects a building, the team member filter will become accessible.

    • We will only show team members assigned to the selected building.

    • This is a single select.

    • If the user does not have access to more than 1 building, they will go straight to the team member and classroom filters.

    • Only users marked “is admin role” will see the team member filter.

    • This is not required

  • Classroom Filter

    • Once the user selects a building, the classroom filter will become accessible.

    • We will only show classrooms assigned to the selected building that the user has access to.

    • Users marked “is admin role” will see all classrooms in the selected building.

    • All other users will see the classrooms to which they are assigned.

    • If the user selected a team member, the classroom list will filter to show only those classrooms assigned to the selected team member.

    • This is a single select

    • If the user does not have access to more than 1 building, they will go straight to the team member and classroom filters

Behavior Plans


  • The block will be laid out in a longer format

  • Clicking on Create Template will take the user to the create template screen (no change in functionality)

  • Clicking View Plans or Create Plans will produce the selector modal

  • The user will first select a region (if the have not already done so)

  • Once a region has been selected, the user will select a building (if they have not already done so)

  • Once a building has been selected, the user has the option of selecting a team member. The user may also search for a team member by name.

  • From here, the user will select a student. The user may also search for a student by name.

  • The user will click View (for view plans) or Begin (for create plans) once all selections have been made

Business Rules

  • Region

    • If the user has access to multiple regions, they will first need to select a region.

    • If a region was previously selected on the upper filter, this filter will not show

    • No other choices can be made until a region has been selected.

    • This is a single select.

  • Building

    • Once a region has been selected, the building filter will become accessible.

    • If a building was previously selected on the upper filter, this filter will not show

    • We will only show buildings assigned to the selected region that have been allocated behavior or sel student licenses

    • This is a single select.

    • If the user does not have access to more than 1 region, they will go straight to the building filter.

  • Team Member

    • Once the user selects a building, the team member filter will become accessible.

    • We will only show team members assigned to the selected building.

    • This is a single select.

    • If the user does not have access to more than 1 building, they will go straight to the team member and classroom filters.

    • Only users marked “is admin role” will see the team member filter.

    • This is not required

  • Students Filter

    • Once the user selects a building, the students filter will become accessible.

    • We will only show students assigned to the selected building that the user has access to.

    • Users marked “is admin role” will see all students in the selected building.

    • All other users will see the students to whom they are currently assigned.

    • If the user selected a team member, the student list will filter to show only those students assigned to the selected team member.

    • This is a single select

    • If the user does not have access to more than 1 building, they will go straight to the team member and students filters