Abilities Library (Lesson Library - Student Center Phase 2)

We need to improve the user experience for assigning Abilities activities. Currently, Abilities activities are assigned to the student when the user assigns the lesson to the learning plan. This is not intuitive. Users can also demo the activities without assigning them from a separate tab in the library. This feels disjointed. Additionally, it is currently unclear when an assignment is considered complete.

User stories:

  • As a SpEd Teacher, I want to assign individualized activities (Abilities) to my students, so I can promote generalization and support parents working with their child at home. I may want to assign certain items to my entire class or to individual students based on their needs. It would be great to view the completed assignments for all of my students in one place, but students will likely be working on different items at different times. I also would like the ability to customize the assignment without adding it to a student’s learning plan.

  • As a mid-level admin or school specialist, I want to assign individualized Abilities activities to at-risk students, so I can help students improve their skills and increase independence. My challenge may be that I do not know all of the teachers, classrooms, or students on an individual basis (apart from the high-needs students).

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