Overdue | Assignments | Reorganize Student Center
We will create a sub-section in Assignments to show those assignments that are 7 days or more past due in the Overdue section
User Stories:
As a student, I want to know which Overdue assignments are the oldest so that I can catch up on those assignments first
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 I will see the younger student UI
Given I am NOT a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, I will see the older student UI
Given I have 1 or more SEL/Mental Health assignments 7 days or more past the due date, I will see the Overdue section
Given I DO NOT have 1 or more SEL/Mental Health assignments 7 days or more past the due date, I will NOT see the Overdue section
Given I am a student who has logged into the student center & I have at least 1 SEL/Mental Health assignment with a due date 7 days or more from today’s date, I will land in the Overdue section
Given I am a student who has SKILLS assignments only, I will not see the Overdue section whether or not the assignments have not been completed in 7 or more days
Given I am a student who has logged into the student center & I have at least 1 Skills assignment that I have not yet completed today, I will land in the Today section
Given I am a student viewing the Overdue section & I have no additional assignments to load, I will not see the right arrow
Given I am a student viewing the overdue section & I have no previous assignments to load, I will not see the left arrow
Given I am a student viewing an assignment in the overdue section, I will see the Late flag
Given I am a student viewing my assignments, they will be ordered from earliest due date to latest due date
Younger Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=9688%3A97060
Older Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=9608%3A94844
Assignments that have not been completed in a week will be moved to the OVERDUE tab. The OVERDUE tab will show up once students have at least one assignment that is a week past the due date.
Business Rules
Students assigned to grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 will see the younger UI version
Students NOT assigned to grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 will see the older UI version
If students have not competed an SEL or Mental Health assignment for 7 days past the due date, the assignment is considered Overdue and it will move to the Overdue section. Skills assignments will NEVER be considered overdue
If student have an assignment that is 6 or less days past the due date, the assignments will show in the TODAY section only
The Overdue section will only show if there are one or more assignments that are are Overdue
If the student has at least 1 assignment Overdue, they will default to the Overdue section each time that they login
All the Overdue Assignments will have the LATE Tag in the top left hand corner
The Overdue tab will disappear once all past due assignments are completed and moved to the DONE tab
The oldest Overdue assignment will will show first and then the second oldest , and so on in order to the most recent Overdue assignment. Any assignment with the same due date will be ordered alphabetically.
Start will show for assignments not yet started. Continue will show for assignments previously started but not submitted (same as current logic)
If less than 4 assignments are due today for students in younger UI version OR less than 9 assignments are due today for students in older UI version, we will not show the navigation arrows
Once the student is on last page of assignments due today, the right arrow will no longer show
When the student is on the first page of assignments due today, the left arrow will not show