Audio and Timer Settings
We need to remove the Audio and Timer settings from the younger and Older My Work/Assignments screen in the top navigation bar and move them to the Skills assignments.
User Stories:
As a student , I want to see the audio and timer settings when I can use them on the Skills activities so that I know when the feature is available to me.
As a teacher assisting a student with the student center, I want to see the audio and timer settings when they are functional so that I can use them or instruct the student to use them on the Skills activities when they are available to us.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a student , I will not see the timer and audio settings in the top navigation.
Given I am a student viewing a Skills activity, I will see the audio and timer settings if they can be used for the activity.
Given I am a student who has made a change to the audio or timer settings, I will see that same change applied to another skills activity where the timer and audio can be used.
Given I am a student viewing a skills activity, I will only see the timer and audio settings on activities where the settings apply.
We will remove the audio and timer settings from the My Work/ Assignments screen top navigation bar as the settings only apply to the skills activities
Business Rules
All students will no longer see the timer and audio settings on the My Work/Assignments screen navigation bar
Skills Activities
When students enter a skills activity, they will see the Timer and audio, at the top of the activity.
Business Rules
The audio and timer settings will no longer show in the top nav bar for all students in the student center
The audio and timer settings will only show inside the Skills activities where the audio and timer settings apply.
Any changes made to the audio and timer settings will apply to all the skills activities.