Duration | Data Tracking | Behavior Suite

We need a way to share the graph of the Duration data once the user has inputted it into Data Express.

User Stories:

  • I am a teacher who needs analyze the duration data on a graph once I have entered the data.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > View reports, I will see the View data button

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > View reports, I will see the Edit button

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > View reports, I will see the y axis shows the duration in minutes if I am viewing the duration

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > View reports, I will see the x axis shows the dates of each logged data

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > View reports, I will see the data list shows chronologically with the most recent entry at the top to the oldest at the bottom

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, >View reports, I will see the Behavior details of behavior definition, goal, objectives, and collection type show in the side panel if inputted

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > View reports, I will be able to filter by date and time

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Manage Data/Points, I will be able to edit the detail list and it will update in the graph as well

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Manage Data/Points, I will be able to edit all fields except entered by


Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=28422-251001&t=o4kdPHGTdkMgW5sN-0


Section 1: Graph


  • Once the duration data has been saved and the user clicks on View data, they will see the graph


  • Users will be able to see baseline data marked with a B and Mastered objectives with an M on the graph.

  • The user can filter by all data types, baseline, objectives, objective 1, etc.

  • The y axis is showing the duration in minutes

  • The x axis is showing the dates of each logged data

Business Rules

  • Given I am a user with access to either Behavior Tracking or MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior tracking/Plans enabled) and permission to Data Tracking > Manage Data/Points then I will be able to master, unmaster, delete, and edit data.


  • Given I am a user with access to either Behavior Tracking or MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior tracking/Plans enabled) and permission to Data Tracking > Record Behaviors, I will be able to record tracking data.


  • y axis shows the duration in minutes

  • x axis shows the dates of each logged data

  • Filter by is single select

  • Filter by options are all data types, baseline, objectives, objective 1, objective 2, any other objectives with data


Section 2: Details


  • The data shown in the graph will also show down below the graph in list view

  • The most recent entry will show at the top

  • The date, location, total time observed, total duration observed, note, and entered by will show in each entry

  • Users can reveal length of behavior, note, and entered by by clicking the arrow to open the remaining fields and close it b clicking it again.

  • The note will be truncated and users can click More to read whole note

  • The user can filter the list by by date or time of the behavior

  • The details can be hidden from view by clicking hide details'

  • Users will be able to see baseline data marked with a B for final baseline, other baseline, objectives with obj (number), Mastered objectives with an M on the left side of details.

  • The Behavior details of behavior definition, goal, objectives, and collection type show in the side panel


  • If the user selected detailed entry in data express, there will be an arrow and the details will show by clicking arrow

  • The details of start time, end time, Did the behavior occur, time of behavior, duration, and notes will show for each entry


Business Rules

  • The data list will show chronologically with the most recent entry at the top to the oldest at the bottom

  • The Behavior details of behavior definition, goal, objectives, and collection type show in the side panel

  • List can be filtered by date and time of the behavior


Section 3: Edit and Save



  • If the user clicks delete, they will see a Are you sure you want to delete? message. If the user selects delete the whole entry will be deleted. If the user clicks cancel or the close button, it will remain unchanged

  • If the user clicks edit, all fields except entered by will be editable.

  • Users can save and cancel

  • User can click text box to make changes to the note

  • If the user collected detailed data in data express, they can edit that detailed data. Their edits will roll up to the total time and total time observed details in main row


  • If the user clicks save, they will see a success message


  • Edits will be reflected in the graph as well

Business Rules

  • User edits to the detail list will be updated in the graph as well

  • All fields are editable except entered by



  • User will see unmaster button once the objective has been mastered

  • The Edit and Delete buttons of the same objective will be deactivated until unmastered

  • When an objective is mastered, the user will see an unmaster button, until they enter additional data for the given student and behavior. Once another data point is added, the unmaster button is removed

  • If the new data point(s) are deleted, the unmaster button will be shown on the last mastered objective

  • If the user clicks unmaster, the edit and delete buttons will again be available to the user, the M will be removed from the detailed and graphed data.

  • The data points that make up that objective will not be able to be edited or deleted until the objective has been unmastered

  • Once the unmastered button is clicked, the Edit and delete buttons can be accessed for all data points of the same objective


  • The user will also be able to click Unmaster on an objective in the side information to Unmaster an objective in the details list.


Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Manage Data and who have entered the data will see the unmaster button

  • Users with permission to Manage Data and who have not entered the data will see the unmaster button if the team member who logged the data is in the same classroom and is a lower role. For instance, teachers (role 4) will see the unmaster button if the para inputted the data and they are a part of the same classroom.

  • See also section Un-master, Re-master from Frequency.




  • The user will click the arrows of the pagination in the bottom right corner to view more of the details list.

  • The user will click Rows by page number to select how many rows are visible on the page.



Acceptance Criteria

  • We will add pagination to the bottom right corner of the details list.

  • The user will be able to select how rows are visible on the page.

  • The table headers will be stay in the same location (sticky) on the page and always visible on each page of the pagination.

  • Given a user wants to view more of the details list, they will click the right arrow of the pagination to continue viewing the details list.

  • Given the user wants to view previous details on the list, they will click the left arrow of the pagination.

  • Given the user wants to view more recorded data points on the details list, they will NOT see a load more button at the bottom of the page.

  • Given the user wants to view more rows of data points on the details list, they will click Rows per page to select a number of rows to include on the page view.