Alert after 10 in-school and out-of-school suspension days

We need to create an alert for role 7s that alerts them after 10 in-school and/or 10 out-of-school suspension days.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a role 7 or highest role, I will see the two new in-school and out-of-school suspension alert settings

  • Given I am a role 7 or highest role, I will be notified with the alert bell and upon click will see the student alert for in-school or out-of-school suspension surpassing the set amount.





  • We need to add two new incident alerts.

  • The default setting for the in-school suspensions will be 10 within 1 year

  • The default setting for out-of school suspensions will be 10 within 1 year


Business Rules

  • Role 7s or highest role with edit settings permission will be able to edit and view these settings

  • Role 6s and 5s with view settings permissions will see not see the new permissions if they are not the highest role




  • Once students have reached 10 days, the role 7 or highest role will see the alert added to the bell and when they click on it will see the alert date and time with either 10 out-of-school suspensions within a year and/or 10 in-school suspensions within a year listed



Business Rules

  • Role 7s (highest role) only will receive this alert

  • Role 5 and 6 will not receive this alert if they are not the highest role