Student Dashboard Attendance Tab | Days Based-Attendance

Description: As a teacher or admin user who is viewing the Student Dashboard with the Days Based Attendance Tracking Method, I need to see the Tier Recommendation calculated based on the number of days the student has been absent and tardy so that I can assess if the student is in need of Tier Support.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • The Student Dashboard Attendance Tab looks the same what is currently built for Percentage Based Attendance after 4 weeks have passed including:

    • Graphs containing Absences and Tardies

    • Absences and Tardy boxes containing all items previously built:

      • Tier colors: Tier 1: White, Tier 2: Yellow/Orange, Tier 3: Red/Pink

      • Tier designations for Absences / Tardies (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3)

      • Total Absences / Tardies

      • Absence Rate / Tardy Rate (Follow Admin Settings for rules)

      • Counts for Absences / Tardies matching the graph

  • Absence/Tardy Dropdown functions the same as what is currently built for Percentage Based Attendance after 4 weeks have passed.

  • The calculation for the Absence and Tardy Rate begins with the first day of school.


Days Based Absence Tier Recommendation Information Icon contents

  1. Description: The information icon contents show the Absences Tier Recommendations established by the District Level Admin in Settings

  2. Required Field: Yes

  3. Type of Field: Hover or Click, shows the information icon contents

  4. Validation Criteria:

    • If hovered over or clicked on, User sees the information for Days Based Tracking Method

    • Information reads: Tier Recommendations are set by your district and based on the total number of days absent.

      • Given District Level Admin has NOT edited the settings for Absences Days Based Tracking then the information continues with the default Tier Recommendation. Tier: 1 0-4 days, Tier 2: 5-9 days, Tier 3: 10 or more days

      • Given District Level Admin HAS EDITED the settings for Absences Days Based Tracking then the information continues with the edited ranges for Tier Recommendations.

      • Selecting Close from the information box removes it.


Days Based Absence Rate Information Icon contents

  1. Description: The information icon contents explain how the Absence Rate is calculated for the Days Based Tracking Method

  2. Required Field: Yes

  3. Type of Field: Hover or Click, shows the information icon contents

  4. Validation Criteria:

    • If hovered over or clicked on, User sees the information for the Days Based Tracking Method

    • Given District Level Admin has selected the Days Based Tracking Method, then the information icon reads: Beginning on the first day of school, the total days absent is divided by the total number of cumulative school days.

    • Selecting Close from the information box removes it.

Additional Information:

  • Calculate the Days Based Absence Rate by counting from the first day of school (Use Define School Logic---link this) and dividing by the total number of cumulative school days and show as a percentage.


Absence / Tardy Dropdown

  1. Description: Dropdown to view either absences or tardies.

  2. Required Field: Yes

  3. Type of field: Dropdown

    • Contents: Absences, Tardies

  4. Validation Criteria:

    • The default view is Absences and what the User sees upon entry to the Attendance Tab

      • Headings include: Absences Date, Tier Recommendation, Absence Rate

    • Given Tardies is selected from the dropdown, then we show the Tardies information

      • Headings include: Tardy Date, Tier Recommendation, Tardy Rate


Days Based Tardy Tier Recommendation

  1. Description: The information icon contents show the Tardy Tier Recommendations established by the District Level Admin in Settings

  2. Required Field: Yes

  3. Type of Field: Hove or Click, shows the information icon contents

  4. Validation Criteria:

    • If hovered over or clicked on, User sees the information for Tardy (Days Based Tracking)

    • Information reads: Tier Recommendations are set by your district and based on the total number of days tardy.

      • Given District Level Admin has NOT edited the settings for Tardy (Days Based Tracking Method) then the information continues with the default Tier Recommendation. Tier: 1 0-4 days, Tier 2: 5-9 days, Tier 3: 10 or more days

      • Given District Level Admin HAS EDITED the settings for Tardy (Days Based Tracking) then the information continues with the edited ranges for Tier Recommendations.

      • Selecting Close from the information box removes it.

Days Based Tardy Rate Information Icon contents

  1. Description: The information icon contents explain how the Tardy Rate is calculated for the Days Based Tracking Method

  2. Required Field: Yes

  3. Type of Field: Hover or Click, shows the information icon contents

  4. Validation Criteria:

    • If hovered over or clicked on, User sees the information for Tardy (Days Based Tracking Method)

    • Given District Level Admin has selected the Days Based Tracking Method, then the information icon reads: Beginning on the first day of school, the total days tardy is divided by the total number of cumulative school days.

    • Selecting Close from the information box removes it.

Additional Information:

  • Calculate the Days Based Tardy Rate by counting from the first day of school (Use Define School Logic---link this) and dividing by the total number of cumulative school days and show as a percentage.


User Workflow

  1. User goes to the Student Dashboard Attendance Tab

    • Path: Students (top navigation) > Select Student > Student Overview Page > Attendance Tab

  2. User views Absence information as the default view

  3. User selects from the dropdown to see Tardy information


  1. Figma Link: Student Dashboard Attendance Tab: Absences

  2. Figma Link: Student Dashboard Attendance Tab: Tardies


Key Open Questions
