Mobile App: Momentary Time Sample (MTS) Setting

Mobile App: Momentary Time Sample (MTS) Setting

New Setting Option! When collecting Momentary TIme Sample data for skills and behaviors, you will now have the option to change the default response to intervals without data entered. When you receive the notification that the interval has ended, this is the default if no response is entered. The default will be set to cancel but can be changed at the settings tab or at the individual program level for both skills and behaviors.



Good to Know!



Good to Know!

Settings Tab

You will have the option to change the MTS No Response default when there is not a response for a MTS interval entered for skills and behaviors to Y (Yes, the behavior occurred), N (No, the behavior did not occur), or C (Cancel/discard the interval).


The default setting for an interval without a response is cancel. This can also be changed at the individual program level.

Data Entry Skills

When using MTS for skill acquisition programs, you can change the no response default setting at the program level. This will change the setting for the individual program only.




The MTS no response default setting change at the individual program level for skills:

1.MTS default setting will be locked once the timer has started at the individual program level.

2.You can change the no response default MTS setting at any point if the timer is turned on and it will change the default for future skill intervals.

Data Entry Behaviors

When using MTS for behavior reduction programs, you can change the No Response Default setting at the individual behavior goal. This will change the setting for the individual behavior only.




The MTS no response default setting change at individual goal level for behaviors:

1.MTS default setting will be locked once the timer has started at the individual behavior goal.

2.You can change the default MTS setting at any point if the timer is turned on and it will change the default for future behavior intervals.

Details of Interval Data after Syncing in View data

With the MTS no response default setting, based on the setting used on the mobile app, Y, N, or C will be applied to the interval when synced and graphed. Y, the intervals will be shown as yes, the behavior occurred. N, the intervals will be shown as no, the behavior did not occur. C, the intervals will be discarded.



Changes to the default setting will be accurately reflected in the calculation in both the details and final percentage of intervals shown in the daily data summary (data entry and session notes).