Rethink BH July Newsletter

Rethink BH July Newsletter

New Features and Enhancements    Image result for new feature icon

Duplicate Client Program   Related image

Learn about our new duplicate client program feature to help you with programming.  You can use it for:

  • Parent Training Goals
  • Setting up multiple data collection types for a skills & behaviors
  • Changing data collection types
  • IOA data

 Click for more details

Aggregate # of hours to the scheduler  Image result for statistics icon

With this cool feature added to the scheduler area, you will know the number of scheduled hours of each appointment type to effectively manage the authorization and the schedule. 

Schedule Without Authorization   Related image

Learn how you can effectively schedule services that do not require authorization using this new feature we have recently added to our scheduler. Learn More

Reorder Client Programs  Image result for sort icon

Does the order matter? Do you need to change the order or client skill and behavior programs to organize your sessions? Check our new feature that will help you rearrange the programs in the order that will make your work more organized.

Grouping Staff Members in Supervisor List  Image result for grouping icon

Did you have an issue assigning supervisors to staff member because active and inactive staff members were mixed?

Good News!  We've launched an enhancements to group staff members in the supervisor list by their status. Check it out.


Fixed Issues  Image result for issues 

We are not perfect. With rapid development of new features, some mistakes happen. We are doing our best to minimize those issues and fix them as soon as they are reported to us. Please check below the list of issues we've found and fixed in June

Blank Group Calendar
  • Users encountered an issue with group calendar where they see it as blank after saving an appointment. Users had to refresh multiple times to see appointments which was inconvenient. 
Blank Appointment
  • Some appointments were going blank when users open then. 

Staff Productivity Report

The following issues with staff productivity report were tackled during the month of June:

  • The report was not pulling the last day of the end date
  • User reported that "billable hours" displaying in the billable hours column were not accurate
  • Appointments with Pay codes that have a paycode of N/A (Non Payable code) are being counted towards the hours in the Staff Productivity Report which should not happen
Billing Export Showing Incorrect RateBilling Export for some accounts were showing incorrect rate in the rate column. 

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