Completing Session Notes and Verifying Appointments

Completing Session Notes and Verifying Appointments

In this guide, users will learn:

Completing a Session Note on the Mobile App


Helpful Information


Helpful Information

  1. From the Main Menu select the Calendar option


You may have already completed this step if you are completing the session note in real time. You enter into an appointment to collect data for the client.

2. Select the appointment



3. Select the Notes tab and choose a template from the drop down menu


This step is typically completed after data collection is recorded for this appointment. 

If you are unsure which template to use or do not see the template available, communicate with your internal supervisor / leadership team member.

4. Complete the Session Note template by filling in the fields. Fields with an * are required

 Since session notes often need data attached, you will use the Daily Summary Sheet options found in the template to pull data into the note directly. View the information in the next column about each option to best decide which one to select.



Include ALL data points: Includes all clinical data that has been recorded for the client on that date, whether the data was collected on the mobile app or website. (If the client has multiple sessions in a day it will lump all data together unless you clarify the Collected By section)


Include only LINKED data points: This option is typically only used when a session note is completed on the mobile-app. It Includes the real time data collected for that appointment only. (Recommended to choose this option when on the mobile-app, in session)


Checkbox: Check the box to link other clinical data entered for the same client and the same day. This will only be used when choosing linked data points.


Collected By: This will populate to the staff members name who is scheduled for this session when completing on the mobile-app

5. Obtain Signatures as needed and move to verifying and Syncing session



Completed session notes can be viewed in the client’s filing cabinet on the website

Session Notes that are not completed when saved, will save as a draft. To learn more about draft options and Session Note Discrepancies refer to these guides:

Access and Recover Previously Saved Session Notes

Saving Session Note Improvements (Mobile Browser)


Completing a Session Note on the Website/Mobile Browser





1. Navigate to the Scheduling tab and open the appointment


2. Select the Session Note tab at the top and find the template

If you do not know which template to use or cannot find a certain template, communicate directly with your internal leadership team members/supervisor.

3. Complete the Session Note by filling in the fields. Fields with an * are required

 Since session notes often need data attached, you will use the Daily Summary Sheet options found in the template to pull data into the note directly. View the notes in the next column about each option to best decide which one to select.

Include ALL data points: Includes all clinical data that has been recorded for the client on that date, whether the data was collected on the mobile app or website. (If the client has multiple sessions in a day it will lump all data together unless you clarify the Collected By section)


Include only LINKED data points: This option is typically only used when a session note is completed on the mobile-app. It Includes the real time data collected for that appointment only.


Checkbox: Check the box to link other clinical data entered for the same client and the same day. This will only be used when choosing linked data points.


Collected By: This will auto-populate to All Staff when completing this step on the website. Meaning all staff collecting data for this client on this date. Be sure to change it unless you want all data lumped together.

4. Select Submit Note


Session Notes that are not completed when saved, will save as a draft. To learn more about draft options and improvements Rethink made to saving session notes, refer to these guides:

Access and Recover Previously Saved Session Notes.

Saving Session Note Improvements (Mobile Browser)

Saving Session Note Improvements (Desktop)

Verifying an Appointment on the Mobile App


Helpful Information


Helpful Information

  1. Select Calendar




  • Strongly recommended that appointments are verified at the time of completion

  • Appointments may be verified at a later time depending on account permissions/capabilities

  • If your company requires EVV, past appointments can only be verified on the website/mobile browser

    • Contact internal admin staff if a past appointment cannot be verified

  • Location Services will need to be enabled on the device in order for the system to geo-tag verification locations

2. Select the applicable appointment


3. Select the Verify tab at the top


  • Verifying an appointment is typically completed after all data has been collected for an appointment/the session has been completed

  • On the Mobile App, syncing should only be selected once all required details (data collection, verification and a session note) have been completed

4. Verify your worked time by updating the start and end time and click the orange VERIFY

  • Once an appointment is verified, the verified time will now be the time displayed in the calendar

    • The scheduled & verified time will both be reported in the payroll export

  • Once an appointment is verified, the time cannot be changed unless your company has provided you with the “Edit Verified Appointments” permission

Verifying an Appointment on the Website/Browser


Helpful Information


Helpful Information

1. Navigate to the Scheduling Tab and Open your appointment


  • Strongly recommended that appointments are verified at the time of completion (thus on the mobile app in real time after data collection)

  • Appointments may be verified at a later time depending on account permissions/capabilities

  • If your company requires EVV, past appointments can only be verified on the website/mobile browser

    • Contact internal admin staff if a past appointment cannot be verified

2. Navigate to the Verification options and select Staff



3. Verify your worked time by updating the start and end time and select VERIFY




Obtaining a Parent Verification in Session on the Mobile App


Helpful Information


Helpful Information

  1. Select the Calendar option on the main page and open the appointment


  • If your organization requires both a parent signature and a parent verification:

    • If parent signature is completed first, it counts for both signature and verification

    • If verification is done first, then they would need to sign the note as well


  • If your company provides parental access to Rethink, parents can verify appointments remotely (speak with your administrators).

2. Select the Verify tab

3. Scroll down to Parent

4. In person, have the parent sign the Signature field and you can enter details into the Parent Name & Relationship fields

5. Click Verify


Obtaining a Parent Verification in Session on Website/Mobile Browser


Helpful Information


Helpful Information

  1. Select the Scheduling Tab and open your appointment

  • If your organization requires both a parent signature and a parent verification:

    • If parent signature is completed first, it counts for both signature and verification

    • If verification is done first, then they would need to sign the note as well


  • If your company provides parental access to Rethink, parents can verify appointments remotely (speak with your administrators).

2. Navigate to to the Verification options and select Parent

3. Have parent manually sign the Signature field and you can enter in the details into the Parent Name & Relationship fields

4. Select SAVE

Alerts / Determining Completed Appointments








Determining Completed Appointments on the Mobile-App

A completed appointment in the mobile app will display as “Completed” in the Calendar section




Important: Check with your System Administrators to confirm which of the following requirements are needed for an appointment to be considered “complete”

  • staff verification (always required)

  • parent verification

  • session note entered



Determining Completed Appointments on the Website/Browser


All completed appointments will display in the Scheduling Tab with white lines across the appointment

The appointment status will display as Completed

Alerts for Incomplete Appointments

Staff will be able to see from the Mobile App if appointments require further action to complete their company settings for a “complete” appointment.


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