MTSS Dashboard Manual (Internal Stakeholders Only)

Overview and Purpose

This document gives an overview of important components with MTSS Dashboard with the goal of answering common questions about UI elements and functionality within the product.

To aid in usability, the overall structure / organization of MTSS Dashboard repeats throughout. There is access from a high level view (District Level Admins) all the way down to the individual student. Within the three distinct dashboards (District, Classroom, Student) expect to see repeated structure. The difference between the dashboards is how granular/ specific the information becomes as the User progresses from the District to the Classroom and then to the Student. Including in each of the Dashboards are the following tabs:

  • Overview

  • ELA

  • Math

  • Behavior

  • SEL

  • Attendance (Current development work includes the addition of a Days Based data collection method)


The Student Dashboard is the most granular showing the a view of the individual child (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance Tabs) and how that child’s scores/performance compares to that of other students within the same grade at the same school (Student Dashboard: Overview Tab). Additional items on the Overview Tab include: Tier Notices, Categories, Tier Recommendations and Intervention Plan buttons.

Unique to the Student Dashboard is an additional tab: Intervention Plan. Intervention Plan Tab gives an overview/history of Intervention Plans and their status for the current school year. There is also a button to create an Intervention Plan on this tab.

The content tabs (ELA, Math, SEL) show At Risk / Approaching Indicators, Tier Notices and Intervention Plan buttons. The data reported for ELA and Math includes: Time Period, Date, Tier Recommendation, Percentile Rank, Overall Scaled Score, and Plan. Custom fields can be added to the content tabs for ELA and Math; however, those fields do not contain any functionality. The SEL tab differs from the academic areas by including sub-test results for the Student Self-Assessment.

The Behavior Tab contains a graph denoting the days of the week an incident occurred and the corresponding percentage of total incidents for each day. A Tier Information box contains further information about the breakdown of the graph. If an account is integrated, the graph and Tier information box separate Major and Minor incidents. Integrated accounts have the option of showing custom fields within the chart while a non-integrated account includes fields from the Incident Report including: location, incident type, de-escalation strategy. Both integrated and non-integrated accounts show the date an incident occurred, the Tier recommendation, and Plan within the chart.

The Attendance tab differs depending on the Attendance Method selected where At Risk / Approaching indicators are shown for Percentage Based and only At Risk are shown for Days based. Tier Notices are shown for both methods although at this time, there is no Intervention Plan for Attendance.

This level would most be used by teachers and admin at an individual building to manage the growth / development of individual students.


The Classroom Dashboard is the next level showing a reporting / results orientation for the students within a specific classroom. The Classroom Dashboard has filters (Tier, Grade, Gender, Race, Education Type, IEP, Free and Reduced Lunch, Housing Status, 504, and English Proficiency) to guide investigations.

The Overview and Content tabs (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) show different ways of looking at data and the data points reported are unique to each specific content tab. The Overview tab shows all content areas with the most up-to date data “moment in time” while the content tabs show “growth over time” using time periods established in the School Calendar as division points.

The Overview Tab features Tier Levels and the inaction taken for Tier Notices through color. Yellow represents a Tier 2 Notice and red is a Tier 3 Notice that has been left unselected, thus we have recommended an Intervention Plan but the User did not create one. If an Intervention Plan has been created, then the identification/status of Intervention Plans is shown as a button for quick access to view the Intervention Plan. Tier Indicators (At Risk / Approaching) are also shown on the Overview Page.

The Content Tabs feature a “growth over time” approach which is unique to each tab. Academic tabs (ELA/Math) show the Tier Level, Percentile Rank and Intervention Plan Status for each time period. SEL differs from other academic tabs only by replacing the Percentile Rank with a Total Score. Since Behavior and Attendance are not based upon a test score and the data is a full year collection, no Time Period separation is shown. In addition, Behavior data is different depending on integrated vs non-integrated accounts. With Integrated data, the chart shows the columns: Student, Tier, Total Incidents, and Intervention Plan. Without Integration, the chart differs by dividing the counts of total incidents into Major and Minor Incidents. Attendance Data includes: Tier, Rate, Totals for both Absences and Tardies.

This is an 'in between level' most likely used by a Building Administrator to see an overall picture of each classrooms within their building(s) or an Educator to assess the growth and well being of the whole child for each individual child within their classroom across multiple areas (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance).


The District Level Dashboard is the highest level view showing a collective view of all buildings within the district. Filters are the same as is present in the Classroom dashboard to facilitate further investigation of District/Building/Grade/Classroom data. This level contains extensive reporting / identification of percentages of total students who are scoring at each Tier Level (Overview Tab).

The Tabs (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL) give closer insights into percentage of students at each tier, identifies the number of students who are at risk of moving to a more intensive tier(s), and number of students whose scores indicated that an intervention would be appropriate BUT no intervention is in place.

This level would be used by District Level Admin responsible for multiple school buildings.

The three dashboards guide the Users to investigate their data and take action.
