Student Dashboard: Features and UI Explanation

The Student Dashboard is the most detailed drill-down to see an overall view for each student. The greatest impact of the Admin Settings are seen in this area. In addition, the results of actions taken (Create Intervention Plan) from this area are populated throughout the Classroom and District Level Reports in the form of Intervention Plan buttons, or inclusion within lists for T2/T3 No Intervention Plan.

The Student Dashboard begins with an Overview and depending on the District’s purchase includes Tabs for:

There is also a dropdown to select a school year. The current year is the default shown and the dropdown contains all past school years (with data) listed in order of most recent to least recent.


There are several ways to get to the Student Dashboard including:

Dashboard > Students (top navigation) > Select Student > Student Dashboard Overview Page

Dashboard > Classrooms (top navigation) > Select Classroom > Reports (side navigation on classroom page) > MTSS (side navigation) > Click on selected student from the classroom list > Student Dashboard Overview Page


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(Student Dashboard Features)


Student Dashboard Features

Select Student

  • Type name of student/select student from dropdown to quickly view other students

    • field: Student Name

Product Component Dropdown

  • Shows list to quickly navigate to other areas

    • field: dashboard

    • Depending on Purchased Products contents could include: Learning Plan, Lesson Library, Behavior Support, Data Express, View Progress, Assessments, Activity Center, File Cabinet, Incident Tracking, Intervention Plans, Behavior Contract, Self-Monitoring, Points, Behavior Plan, Behavior Tracking, Alerts

Quick Links to common locations (Depending on Products Purchased)

  • Assessments (Blue button, first in series of 3)

    • Links to the Student Dashboard for Assessments can be assigned for Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, and SEL (varieties)

    • Record Data (Blue button, second in series of 3)

      • Links to Data Express for Behavior or Skills Tracking

      • Links to Incident Tracking to Record an Incident

    • File Cabinet (Blue button, third in series of 3)

      • Place for User’s uploaded items

Student Information Box (colorful box at top containing student’s picture)

  • Demographics

    • Birthday, Gender, Grade, Ethnicity

  • Academic Needs

    • ELL, IEP, 504, Gifted

      • If the Academic Need applies to the student, then a blue Details will show.

      • Hovering over Details reveals contents

    • Classroom

      • Details opens a list of Classrooms for that individual student

      • Clicking on a classroom takes User to that Classroom page

  • Other Details (includes)

    • FRL (Free and Reduced Lunch), Homeless

      • If applicable to the student, then blue Details will show

      • Hovering over Details reveals contents

  • Cog Symbol

    • Clicking on the Cog Symbol opens the Student Profile


The Cog Symbol (not shown in above image) but is located on the right side within the Student Dashboard Features in production.

Users with permission set to edit the Student Profile will be able to do so.

Users without the permission set will simply see the Student Profile.


The Cog Symbol (not shown in above image) but is located on the right side within the Student Dashboard Features in production.

Users with permission set to edit the Student Profile will be able to do so.

Users without the permission set will simply see the Student Profile.