District Dashboard: Features and UI Explanation

The District Dashboard is a high level view specifically for District Level Admin to see an overall picture of the entire District. Depending upon the Products purchased, the tabs contained within the District Level Dashboard include the following: Overview, ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL and Attendance.

The Overview Tab is an overall view containing more percentage based data while the Content Tabs (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) begin to guide the user in exploring their data with a more granular focus. The Content tabs repeat the percentage based view and include Tier 1 data. To further explore, a numerical count for T2 At Risk /T3 At Risk Students / No Interventions is also included for each building.

The Attendance Tab does not contain T2/T3 No Interventions heading and data at this time.

Stay tuned for updates to this area.

Insider Tip: Actions taken in Classroom and Student Dashboard (Example: Creating an Intervention Plan in response to a Tier Notice) DO NOT instantaneously update in the District Dashboard. Expect an overnight delay.

Insider Tip: Actions taken in Classroom and Student Dashboard (Example: Creating an Intervention Plan in response to a Tier Notice) DO NOT instantaneously update in the District Dashboard. Expect an overnight delay.

The same functionality remains consistent across the tabs and includes:

  • School Year Dropdown

    • Default is the current school year with options to view past years' data

    • School year selected on the Overview Tab remains consistent across Tabs

  • Group By Filter

    • Contains options: Region and Building with Building as the default

      • Given Region is selected, then the list within the chart will show the Regions within the District in alphabetical order

      • Given Building is selected, then the list within the chart will show all Buildings within the District in alphabetical order

  • Search Bar

    • To search for a building, the User types in the Search bar and clicks enter to view results.

      • The search results apply to the tab selected ONLY; results DO NOT carry over to the tabs

    • To remove a search, the User clicks on the eraser symbol at the end of the Search Bar.

  • Filters

    • Filters include: Grade, Gender, Race, IEP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, EP

      • Unlike the Classroom Dashboard which includes all possible selections for each Filter, the District Dashboard ONLY shows values in the dropdowns that come from the District’s integrated data. This increases the speed of the District Dashboard and reduces filtering results that return no information.

  • Scroll Bar

    • The scroll bar on the right side within the chart is used to see more items when clicked and dragged.

    • As an alternative, User can hover over the chart and scroll with mouse to see the complete list.

  • Building Selection

    • How it works: To view data from a specific building, User clicks on the Building Name on the list turning it gray to indicate selection. A title is shown at the top of the page (Overview Page only) with the Building Name to remind the User that they are viewing data in the graphs specific to the building selected. The remaining tabs work the same way BUT at this time DO NOT show the Building Name selected.

  • Building Selection: Additional Options

    • After selecting a building and turning the line item gray, the User can drill down further to see Classroom and Grade Level data within the building by RIGHT clicking. A drop down box shows with an arrow icon next to the text: Drill through. Available options under Drill through include: Classroom Details, Grade Details.

      • Classroom Details reveals the list of classrooms in the selected building

      • Grade Details reveals the list of grades within the selected building

    • For now, this is the end of Building/Classroom/Grade functionality. It only shows the District Level view. Selecting a Building/Classroom/Grade DOES NOT take the user to view that selection. To explore further, See Classroom Dashboard: Features and UI Explanation.

Known issue: Selecting Classroom or Grade Details takes a little while to load. User will see a spinning image which is a cue that the report is being prepared.

Known issue: Selecting Classroom or Grade Details takes a little while to load. User will see a spinning image which is a cue that the report is being prepared.

Note: When a Classroom or Grade Details report is selected and the list is extensive then the Scroll Bar is replaces with a DOT indicating a long list. The dot can be clicked on and used as a Scroll Bar OR the User can hover over the chart contents and scroll their mouse to reveal items in the list. The item the User is currently on with show in Gray for easier visibility but there is not additional functionality if clicked. This level of granular selection also DOES NOT carry over to additional tabs.

Pro Tip: A quick way to reset the District Dashboard is to refresh the page.