Manage Assignments for Educators (Phase 2)

We need a place where educators can manage assignments for their students & class.

Navigation: Program Tools>Manage Assignments

Phased Lean Rollout:

  1. Educator to View My Classroom Assignments Table

  2. Educator to Navigate to Individual Assignments via My Classroom Assignments Table

  3. Students Ability to Submit Assignments

  4. Educator Ability to View Assignments that Need Review and Mark Reviewed

  5. Educator Ability to Comment on Assignments and Students See Comments

  6. Students Ability to Comment Back and Educator be Notified

  7. Enhancements to Student Dashboard to Repurpose Student Activities to Student Assignments

Project Plan:

Write user jobs (outcome: align with @Jennifer Bessette (Unlicensed) on problems to be solved)
Build lowfi concepts (outcome: align with @Jennifer Bessette (Unlicensed) on understanding of user jobs/business goals)
UX feedback on lowfis (outcome: find MVP priorities for lean launch)
High-level estimates (outcome: updated DevOps with sizing)
Prioritize user stories for lean release (outcome: enable grooming and scheduled date)
Groom user stories with Engineering Lead (outcome: sized stories)
Schedule work on roadmap (outcome: set expectations)

User Experience Interviews:

Teacher Name and School

Intro from @Jennifer Bessette (Unlicensed) Complete

Date Scheduled/Completed

Teacher Name and School

Intro from @Jennifer Bessette (Unlicensed) Complete

Date Scheduled/Completed

[Jen insert]



[Jen insert]



[Jen insert]



[Jen insert]



Personas and High-Level JTBD:

Teacher Role:

  • As a teacher, I want to view the status of my classrooms' assignments and communicate with my students on their progress, so that I can assess their strengths and weaknesses and help them improve the skills of all students in my class.

Paraprofessional Role:

  • As a paraprofessional, I want to see what my students have been assigned and their progress on the assignments, so that I can help my students complete their work.