Classroom Logic Update

Team member will have access to all students in their classrooms regardless of whether they have been assigned directly to that student through Account Setup

When creating a classroom, any team member and any student may be added to the classroom. The students do not need to be assigned to team members first.

Under manage team members à assign students the unassigned column will show all students who are not assigned to the team member (directly or via classroom). The assigned column will show all students assigned to the team member (directly or via classroom). If the user clicks to unassign a student currently assigned to the team member directly, the student will be unassigned and move to the unassigned column. If the user clicks to unassign a student currently assigned to team the team member via classroom, they will see a message stating: “This student belongs to one or more classrooms the user is assigned to. Unassigning this student will remove them from all of the user’s classrooms. Remove | Cancel” If the user hits Remove, then the student is assigned from the user and from all of the user’s classrooms. If the user hits Cancel, then the student remains assigned to user and to all classrooms.