Scatter Plot| View Progress | Data Tracking | Behavior Suite

We need to make changes to the top search fields, the graph, and the details in the custom area of View progress

User Stories:

  • I am a teacher who needs analyze the data from data express on a custom graph

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will see the display and the default is by day

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will see the filter by and the default will be by location

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will see the filter by is single select between location or team member

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will see the Graph type of behavior is now called Tracking

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will see times when the behavior was observed, no behavior, or no observation was held at that time.

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will see the graph will show up to 9 recorded days and then I can click the arrow to view the next 9 recorded days

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will be able to print each sheet with up to 9 recorded days on it and the y axis times observed will print on each sheet

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will be able to hide the side panel and filters to enhance size of graph

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will be able to hover or click each data point to see the Date, details about data point like 8 times, and whether or not the behavior occurred are available upon hover or click

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will be able to Filter by date and time

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will be able to see the List view of details will match the data shown in graph

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors, I will be able to hide the details to enhance size of graph


Section 1: Filters


Behavior Filter

  • Choose Program filter will now be called Behavior.

  • It will include all behaviors in which the user has inputted data

  • The data collection methods will show in parentheses next to the behavior including the new behavior types checklist and rating scale

  • Behaviors will be in abc order

  • Only the behaviors created for the specific student with data will show in the dropdown

  • No Data Found will show if the user has not inputted any data for a particular student


Graph Type

  • Selections are the same except we are changing the first graph type named Behavior to Tracking

  • Only one graph type selection can be made at a time


  • This filter has same functionality

  • Default is now by day


Filter by

  • We are adding a filter by location or team member

  • User must select between location or team member

  • If they choose by location, they will see the default locations and custom locations that they have added when recording data on the behavior

  • This is a single select dropdown

  • The locations are in abc order

  • Once the user selects a location, the data for the given location will show on the graph and details below

  • If no locations have been recorded, we will show No Data Found message

  • If they choose by team member, they will see the team members who have recorded data on the specific student in abc order by last name, first name

  • This is a single select dropdown

  • If no team members have recorded data on the particular student, we will show No Data Found message


Business Rules

  • Behavior graph type will now be called Tracking

  • Default for display should now be day

  • Filter by is single select including the dropdown for location and team member


Section 2: Graph


  • Upon hover, the user will see the date, specific fields related to data collected like number of minutes if viewing by duration and/ or times if viewing by frequency and the team member who recorded the data and if the behavior occurred

  • If more than 9 days have been recorded for the given time frame, 9 days will show on the graph and then the user will need to click the right arrow to see the next 9 recorded days

  • User can collapse the side panel to see an the graph in a larger size


Business Rules

  • Graph will show up to 9 recorded days and then the user must click the arrow to view the next 9 recorded days

  • Users can print each sheet with up to 9 recorded days on it and the y axis times observed will print on each sheet

  • The side panel and filters can be hidden to enhance size of graph

  • Date, details about data point like 8 times, and whether or not the behavior occurred are available upon hover or click


Section 3: Details


  • Users can filter by date and time

  • Users will see the date, time, specific fields related to data collected, any notes, and who it was entered by

  • Details can be hidden by clicking Hide details

  • The side panel will show behavior definition, Mastery Criteria, collection type, and objectives if inputted


Business Rules

  • Filter by date and time

  • List view of details will match the data shown in graph

  • The details can be hidden to enhance size of graph