Admin Settings: ELA and Math Tabs


For ELA and Math Tier criteria, the district chooses one source of integrated testing data (example: Renaissance Star Tests or Curriculum Associates iReady Tests) as their vehicle for determining Tier Levels.

Although many districts use multiple types of tests to monitor student progress throughout the year (Example: iReady and New York State Regents), only one type of test can be selected as the basis for Tiers at this time.

The default settings shown to the highest level admin user are dependent upon the which Assessment the district is using (Renaissance Star Tests, Curriculum Associates iReady tests or Hughton Mifflin Harcourt NWEA Map Tests) . There is also some customization available depending upon the Assessment used.

In addition, links to the Assessment Providers included below to get you started learning about Assessments and Assessment Makers. Our list of Assessment makers will continue to grow.


Dashboard > Set Up (top navigation) > MTSS Dashboard > Tabs (ELA, Math)

Current Assessment Providers


  • Star Early Literacy

  • Star Reading

  • Star Math

Recommended Default Settings for Star tests:

Benchmark Name

Percentile Range

At Risk Indicator

Approaching Indicator

Tier Level

Benchmark Name

Percentile Range

At Risk Indicator

Approaching Indicator

Tier Level

At or Above

40% -100%




On Watch

25% - 39%

25% / 26%




10% - 24%

10% / 11%

23% / 24%


Urgent Intervention

0% - 9%


8% / 9%



  • At Risk and Approaching Indicators DO NOT show in the Admin Settings

  • At Risk and Approaching Indicators will vary depending on the Tier Level Assigned. The chart above shows the default setting.

  • Percentile Ranges are set by Renaissance and at this time are not available for edit.

  • Tier Levels for On Watch and Intervention are editable however:

    • there must be a Tier 2

    • tier levels increase as the percentile range performance decreases.

    • To learn more about Star Tests visit: Renaissance


Admin Settings: Star ELA

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Admin Settings: Star Math

Slice 1 - 2024-05-20T153202.568-20240520-193202.png




Curriculum Associates

  • iReady Reading

  • iReady Math

Recommended Default Settings for iReady tests:

Percentile Range

At Risk Indicator

Approach. Indicator

Tier Level

Percentile Range

At Risk Indicator

Approach. Indicator

Tier Level

25% - 100%

25% / 26%


Tier 1

10% - 24%

10% / 11%

23% / 24%

Tier 2

0% - 9%


8% / 9%

Tier 3


  • Since there are only 3 Percentile Range bands, the Tiers are locked.

  • At Risk and Approaching Indicators DO NOT show in the Admin Settings

    • Since there are only 3 Percentile Range bands, the At Risk / Approaching Indicators are set.

  • No benchmark name is included

  • Percentile Range is determined by Curriculum and at this time cannot be edited

  • iReady is a unique test. It measures performance based on the expectation at the end of the school year.

    • To learn more about iReady, Please visit: Curriculum Associates

    • Currently, MTSS Dashboard supports grades K - 8.


Admin Settings: iReady ELA


Admin Settings: iReady Math




Hughton Mifflin Harcourt (previously: Northwest Evaluation Association)

  • NWEA Map Reading

  • NWEA Map Math

Recommended Default Settings for NWEA tests:

Benchmark Name

Percentile Range

At Risk Indicator

Approaching Indicator

Tier Level

Benchmark Name

Percentile Range

At Risk Indicator

Approaching Indicator

Tier Level


81% - 100%



Tier 1

High Average

61% - 80%



Tier 1


41% - 60%

41% / 42%


Tier 1

Low Average

21% - 40%

21% / 22%

39% / 40%

Tier 2


0% - 20%


19% / 20%

Tier 3


Admin Settings: NWEA ELA



Admin Settings: NWEA Math