District Dashboard ELA Tab


When selected, the District Dashboard ELA tab is highlighted in green. The default view is the current school year. If the district has integrated data from previous year(s), then the dropdown beneath the first graph will contain the school year(s) listed from the most to the least recent. Selecting a preceding school year from the drop down will change the graph and data within the chart to reflect the selection made.

As the year progresses more test administrations occur. The first graph and first data reporting set in the chart below (headings: T3, T2, T1, At Risk T2, At Risk T3 and T2/T3) correspond the the most recent test results. The first graph updates each time students within the school(s) take a subsequent test in ELA. This ensure that one student = one test result (the most recent test result).

Note: At this time, there is only one graph showing on the ELA / Math / SEL Tabs for the District Dashboard. There will be future iteration in this area.

Note: At this time, there is only one graph showing on the ELA / Math / SEL Tabs for the District Dashboard. There will be future iteration in this area.

See District Dashboard: Features and UI Explanation for more information about items consistent across all tabs.

See also: School Year Calendar and Admin Settings for links to Admin Settings Pages for ELA and Math. Selections made in Admin Settings for Tier designations (specific to the Integrated Testing data for ELA and Math) are applied to District Dashboard to sort students within Tiers and explain how At Risk T2 and At Risk T3 are reported.


Dashboard > MTSS Side Navigation > Overview Tab (default) > ELA Tab

Slice 4 - 2024-05-30T091729.994-20240530-131730.png
(District Dashboard ELA Tab: Note--Tabs at the top will be green and year dropdown will show beneath the graph on the site)



The chart contents include the following headings:

  • Building

    • Listed in alphabetical order

  • Tier 3

    • The percentage of students in each building that scored within the Tier 3 range for ELA on their most recent testing opportunity

  • Tier 2

    • The percentage of students in each building that scored within the Tier 2 range for ELA on their most recent testing opportunity

  • T2 / T3 No Intervention

    • The number of students within each building that have a most recent score in ELA falling within the tier 2 and/or Tier 3 range AND do not have an intervention plan in place.

  • At Risk Tier 3

    • Shows the number of students in each building who have a most recent score within the range for being At Risk for moving from Tier 2 to Tier 3

  • At Risk Tier 2

    • Shows a number of students in each building who have a most recent score within the range for being At Risk for moving from Tier 1 to Tier 2.