District Dashboard Attendance Tab


When selected, the District Dashboard Attendance tab is highlighted in green. The default view is the current school year. Just like Academic Areas (ELA, and Math), The Attendance tab includes percentages for all three Tier Levels for each building within the district. In addition, At Risk Tier 3 and At Risk Tier 2 are shown as a count of students who meet the criteria for those indicators.

Unlike the Academic Areas (ELA and Math), the attendance tab needs two graphs (and corresponding data within the chart). Those two graphs are: Absences and Tardies.

Integration Insight: It is possible to see ONLY 1 graph (Absences) IF the district uses separate fields to count Absences and Tardies AND they elect to NOT INCLUDE Tardy information during Integration. An integration provider that reports Attendance Status in this way is Infinite Campus. Not all integration providers report data in this way.

Integration Insight: It is possible to see ONLY 1 graph (Absences) IF the district uses separate fields to count Absences and Tardies AND they elect to NOT INCLUDE Tardy information during Integration. An integration provider that reports Attendance Status in this way is Infinite Campus. Not all integration providers report data in this way.

The District Dashboard Attendance Tab DOES NOT include a column for T2/T3 No Intervention. This is because there is no option to create an Intervention plan for Attendance. See Intervention Plan Tab: Features and UI Explanation in the Student Dashboard for more information. See also: Admin Settings: Attendance Tab for more information about the different methods for Attendance Tier calculations.

Attendance is a growing area: stay tuned for new updates.


Dashboard > MTSS Side Navigation > Overview Tab (default) >Attendance Tab

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District Dashboard: Attendance Tab

The chart contents include the following headings:

  • Building

    • Listed in alphabetical order

  • Absence Tier 3

    • The percentage of students in each building that meet the criteria for Tier 3 established in Admin Settings

  • Absence Tier 2

    • The percentage of students in each building that meet the criteria for Tier 2 established in Admin Settings

  • Absence Tier 1

    • The percentage of students in each building that meet the criteria for Tier 1 established in Admin Settings

  • At Risk Tier 3

    • Shows the number of students in each building that meet the criteria of being ‘at risk’ of becoming a Tier 3 for Absences.

    • This it the equivalent of a Tier 3 At Risk Indicator shown in the Classroom and Student Dashboard

  • At Risk Tier 2

    • Shows the number of students in each building that meet the criteria of being ‘at risk’ of becoming a Tier 2 for Absences.

    • This it the equivalent of a Tier 2 At Risk Indicator shown in the Classroom and Student Dashboard

  • Tardy Tier 3

    • The percentage of students in each building that meet the criteria for Tier 3 established in Admin Settings

  • Tardy Tier 2

    • The percentage of students in each building that meet the criteria for Tier 2 established in Admin Settings

  • Tardy Tier 1

    • The percentage of students in each building that meet the criteria for Tier 1 established in Admin Settings

  • At Risk Tier 3

    • Shows the number of students in each building that meet the criteria of being ‘at risk’ of becoming a Tier 3 for Tardies.

    • This it the equivalent of a Tier 3 At Risk Indicator shown in the Classroom and Student Dashboard

  • At Risk Tier 2

    • Shows the number of students in each building that meet the criteria of being ‘at risk’ of becoming a Tier 2 for Tardies.

    • This it the equivalent of a Tier 2 At Risk Indicator shown in the Classroom and Student Dashboard