District Dashboard Overview Page


The District Level Overview Page is the default landing place for the District Dashboard. The tab labeled Overview is highlighted in green when selected. The District Overview page gives a high level view of entire district and includes all content areas purchased by the district within the tab selections including: ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and Attendance. Attendance is contained within one graph. Absence is the default shown to the User. To view Tardy/ Absence, user clicks on tab within the Attendance graph.

If the district has not purchased/included a content area, then there will not be a tab, graph, nor chart heading(s) for that content area. See District Dashboard: Features and UI Explanation for more information about items consistent across all tabs.

The Donut graphs shown for the Overview contain the most up-to-date data for all content areas. The donut graphs for each Content Area (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) are repeated as the first graph shown when moving to the Content Area tabs.


Dashboard > MTSS Side Navigation > Overview Tab

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(Admin Dashboard Overview Tab: Tab selection is green instead of the blue on the site)


The graphs are calculated according to criteria established in Admin Settings for each of the content areas (See the following Admin Settings for more information: ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) by collecting a total count of students across all buildings and sorting them within each of the Tiers. The default view of the graphs shown on the Overview tab represent the collection of ALL Students across ALL buildings in the district shown as a percent.

ELA, Math, SEL graphs contain a category of NO DATA when a student does not yet have a score for an assessment. The Behavior and Attendance (Absence / Tardy) DO NOT have a category for NO DATA but instead place the student into Tier 1. At the beginning of a new school year, expect to see a larger portion of the graphs contain NO DATA or Tier 1. As the school year progresses and data is updated nightly expect the graphs to fill in with Tier information.

The Attendance graph has an additional tab within it to toggle between Absences and Tardies. The default view is Absences. To view Tardy information within the graph, the User clicks Tardies tab (within the graph) and the graph will change to show Tardy Tier breakdowns. It is possible to see a graph WITHOUT a Tardies Tab if the District has elected to NOT INCLUDE Tardy data. See: Integration Insight Box on District Dashboard Attendance Tab for more information about this specialized case.

Known issue: Behavior has options-Integrated or Non-integrated data. If a district uses BOTH Integrated and Non-integrated (not recommended), then the integrated data will show in the District and Classroom Dashboards. The Non-integrated data will show in the Student Dashboard.

Known issue: Behavior has options-Integrated or Non-integrated data. If a district uses BOTH Integrated and Non-integrated (not recommended), then the integrated data will show in the District and Classroom Dashboards. The Non-integrated data will show in the Student Dashboard.


The chart shows an alphabetical list of all buildings within the school district. Chart headings and corresponding values are meant to guide the User towards discovery of their most critical needs.

The headings include:

  • ELA Tier 3, ELA Tier 2, Math Tier 3, Math Tier 2, Behavior Tier 3, Behavior Tier 2, SEL Tier 3, SEL Tier 2, Absence Tier 3, Absences Tier 2, Tardy Tier 3, Tardy Tier 2.

  • Tier 1 percentages for each content area are not included in the chart at this time.

The values beneath the headings include:

  • A percentage for each content area and the corresponding Tier 3 and Tier 2 levels are shown for each of the buildings.

Note: Data can vary widely! We can only report what is integrated. Expect to see schools with an empty value within the chart where a percentage was expected. This means that no data has been reported.

Example 1: A school district that has not integrated behavior AND has our Incident product BUT does not use it. That school would not have percentages for T2/T3 Behavior in the chart and their graph would show 100% Tier 1.

Example 2: A school within the district that contains only grades K-2. Since SEL assessment start at grade 3, that school would not have percentages for T2/ T3 SEL in the chart. The graph does not count those students since they are not eligible to take the SEL Assessment. These student are not part of the NO DATA category.

Note: Data can vary widely! We can only report what is integrated. Expect to see schools with an empty value within the chart where a percentage was expected. This means that no data has been reported.

Example 1: A school district that has not integrated behavior AND has our Incident product BUT does not use it. That school would not have percentages for T2/T3 Behavior in the chart and their graph would show 100% Tier 1.

Example 2: A school within the district that contains only grades K-2. Since SEL assessment start at grade 3, that school would not have percentages for T2/ T3 SEL in the chart. The graph does not count those students since they are not eligible to take the SEL Assessment. These student are not part of the NO DATA category.