Release - 5/22/2021

Release Type: Regular

Impacted Services: Website

New Features / Enhancements

  • Medical Necessity Tool Improvements

Issues Tackled

  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect routing information to archived appointments - 60173

  • Issue with billing export not being sent to users' emails - 59061

  • Issue saving new folders to file cabinet - 55009

  • issue with group calendar where available hours did not match - 52282

  • User is reporting that there were several authorizations that were scheduled over authorized hours - 59312

  • Users are not able to edit the paycode - 59087

  • Issue where users without permission were able to modify funder templates using auto-save - 58478

  • Group Calendar Filter for title was not working - 58963

  • Save to File Cabinet Button NOT working in Analyze Data - 58964

  • User with permission was not able to delete raw clinical data - 58968

  • Not able to open documents in license/certifications for staff - 59060

  • cannot add location to staff - 59068

  • Session Note Times Different on File Cabinet than on Scheduler - 59248

  • incorrect date on funder report signature - 59275

  • Role Permissions being unchecked and greyed out - 59900

  • When trying to edit a session note, the checkbox updates the name/title to the user who is editing - 59861

  • unable to upload to the file cabinet via the mobile browser - 59863