Release - 5/8/2021

Release Type : Regular

Impacted Services: Website

New Features / Enhancements

  • Custom Domains

  • Baseline Freeze Enhancements

  • Aggregate Data Filter in Funder Report

  • Removing Behavior tab in Analyze Data → Mastered Programs

Issues Tackled

  • Fixing an issue where old deleted series are re-appearing - 58103

  • Fixed an issue where staff was able to schedule hours beyond a “don’t allow auth” - 57981

  • Session Notes -Place of Service Field Duplicating on completion of Note - 58045

  • Billing export missing Telehealth modifier - 58090

  • Consistency Issue with the display of red color for exceeds auth on the group calendar - 58218

  • Error when downloading client funder report- 58244

  • Funder report showing Gaps in data graphs - 58245

  • Detailed Training Report Issues - 58663

  • client custom field filter not working - 58788

  • Fixed some issues with App syncing data to the site - 58794

  • Phase chance line in wrong date in analyze data - 55135

  • Funder Changes not saving - 59786

  • Parent not receiving code for parent registration - 59872

  • Parent is not able to view files in file cabinet - 59867

  • Create Data sheet is not working - 59787