Global Lock

Global Lock

This guide will teach users how to manually lock all staff schedules as of specific date and give the ability to make exceptions for specific users when needed.



Helpful Information



Helpful Information

Providing Permission

In the Company Account>Roles>Scheduler Permissions, Select “Global Lock”


  • Only staff with the “Staff: All Staff in All Locations/Clients:Based on User’s Client Access” permission under Scheduler may be provided Global Lock Permissions

  • Only users with the Global Lock Permission may:

    • Appy the Global Lock

    • Add Global Lock staff exceptions

    • Add/edit appointments that are within the “locked” calendar dates

  • It is recommended to provide the Global Lock permission to limited staff.

Set the Global Lock

Navigate to the Scheduling Tab>Select Global Lock

Select the applicable Global Lock date and click save

The Global Lock date will be visible on the individual calendar


  • Users without the Global Lock permissions will not see the Global Lock menu on the Scheduler

  • Once saved, the Global Lock date that is set will display in purple to the right of the Save button.

  • A Global Lock date cannot be deleted, once set, but users with Global Lock permissions can always move it to an earlier date or later date

  • Staff with Global Lock permissions can still add and edit appointments for ANY date regardless of the Global Lock date.

  • Staff without Global Lock permissions will not be able to add or edit appointments with dates on or before the lock date

    • When a global lock has been applied users will NOT be able to perform any staff verifications or parent verifications in addition to session note entries.

Scheduler Impact for the Non Global Lock permission user

If a user tries to create an appointment within the Global Lock date period, they will see a pop-up warning informing them that their schedules are locked up to the selected lock date set by their company admin.

If a user tries to edit an existing appointment, the appointment will open after clicking “OK” on the warning pop-up, but no action can be taken.


  • Global Lock rules do not apply to users with the Global Lock permissions.


Adding Global Lock Staff Exceptions

Navigate to the Scheduling Tab>Select Global Lock to access the Staff Exceptions feature

Type the name of the staff member you’d like to give Exceptions to, or select the applicable name from the drop down.

Enter or Select a calendar date that you’d like to make the exception for

Click the “+Staff exception” to add and save this staff’s exception


If staff have been provided an exception to the Global Lock date, the exception effective date will be displayed instead of the Global Lock date


  • Only users with Global Lock permissions can add staff exceptions

  • Exceptions can only be provided for dates PRIOR to the Global Lock date

  • User with the exception will be able to complete appointments, edit, schedule for themselves ONLY, based on their scheduler permissions, from the date entered as the exception and all dates after

  • Global Lock staff exception grants only the added user an exception, even if the user normally has access to add/edit/delete for other staff, unless those users also have an active staff exception.

    • For example, if user Kaitlyn, who was granted an exception, needs to be able to add/edit an appointment for user Jane Doe, then Jane Doe would need to be added as an exception in addition to Kaitlyn.

See History of Staff Exceptions

When the Show Logs option is checked, the user will see a list of all exceptions that have been added.


Under Actions, the user can edit the exception date


  • Any exception that has been added will be visible

  • Only users with the Global Lock permission will be able to see the history of all staff exceptions that have been added.

Resetting Staff Exceptions

There are 2 ways to reset staff exceptions:

  1. Select the Action “Re-Lock” for the applicable staff member

    Users will receive confirmation pop-up informing them that the staff calendar will be locked as of the current Global Lock date

  2. Update the Global Lock date and click Save

    Users will receive a confirmation pop-up informing them that any active staff exceptions will be reset to the new Global Lock date.

  • Relocking a staff exception will reset the staff calendar lock to the current Global Lock date

  • If the Global Lock date is reset/updated, all users with exceptions will be relocked to the Global Lock date.


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