Set Expectations | Self-Monitoring

We need to create a section where users can set expectations for the Self-Monitoring plan that will include individual students, the entire class of students and groups of students. Set expectations includes: Selecting up to two questions to prompt the student, selecting a frequency interval and a % goal for affirmative responses for the student. (Need a different option to save for all the groups or just the one.)

User Stories:

  • User Story 1 (As a USER TYPE, I want to INSERT ACTION, so that I can INSERT VALUE ADD)

  • User Story 2

  • Etc

Acceptance Criteria:

  • This is where we list the acceptance criteria. Keep a bulleted list


Additional Attachment:

Section 1: Setting Expectations for an Individual Student


  • Users Set expectations by opening the Set Expectations section tab by clicking on the down arrow.

  • Users select a question from the drop down menu items that match their selection from the Add a new behavior section or provide a custom entry.

  • Users select the frequency the question will be presented to the student using the drop down menu options or provide a custom entry.

  • Users select the percentage of “yes” responses for the student’s goal or provide a custom entry.

  • Users hover over the circled question mark to reveal an explanation for % Goal.

  • Users select +Add another question to prompt an additional field presentation for Select a question.

  • User selects Save button to save their work.


Business Rules

  • Users must first complete the Add a new behavior section before the Set Expectations sections can be completed.

  • Selecting Set Expectations down arrow opens the Set Expectations section.

  • Users select a question from the drop down Select Question field or type a custom entry question.

  • Drop down items come from the results of the selections made in the Add a new behavior section. (See attached excel document.)

  • Users can only select one item from the drop down menu for Frequency Question is asked or custom enter a frequency.

  • Users can only select one item from the drop down menu for % Goal field or custom enter a % Goal.

  • Hovering over the circled question mark reveals the following message: The % Goal is the amount of “yes” responses the child is expected to have for the question selected.

  • Selecting +Add another question triggers a secondary drop down menu for Select a Question where drop down menu options are the same along with a custom entry option.

  • Frequency Question is asked and % Goal selections are the same for the second question as what was made for the first question.

Section Two: Setting Expectations for the Entire Class


  • To select the entire class, the user selects Entire Class from the Select Student drop down menu.


Business Rules

  • Same business rules apply for setting up expectation for the entire class except the Entire Class will be selected from the Student list.

  • The frequency the question(s) are asked and the % goal expected will be applied to the entire class.

  • Selecting the Save button saves the work in this section.

Section Three: Setting Up expectations for groups of students.


  • Users select Set Expectations section tab to open the section.

  • Users set expectations for Group 1 using the same options and can include a second question by selecting the +Add another question feature.

  • Users select save to save the Set Expectations section for Group 1.

  • Selecting Save

Business Rules

  • Users follow the same rules as for the individual and entire class options expect they are given options to set the expectations for each of the groups separately or apply the Set Expectations choices to all of the groups.


Section Four


Business Rules

Section Five


Business Rules