District Dashboard Behavior Tab


When selected, the District Dashboard Behavior tab is highlighted in green. The default view is the current school year. The District Dashboard Behavior tab is an overall view for the entire school year.

Behavior Data is different from Academic Testing Data (ELA, Math, SEL) in that there is no test or multiple testing administrations to collect / sort. Behavior is a year long collection of the number of Behavior Incidents that have been recorded.

Unlike the District Dashboard Overview tab for Behavior which shows only Tier 2 and Tier 3 percentages, the District Dashboard Behavior Tab gives a more in-depth data analysis of Behavior Incidents including percentages for all Tier Levels, the number of students who are At Risk Tier 2 and At Risk Tier 3, and a number of students who meet the criteria for Tier 2 and / or Tier 3 and ARE NOT receiving any intervention.

Reminder: Behavior has options for reporting. Visit Admin Settings Behavior Tab.

Known Issue: It is recommended that only ONE option is chosen to collect behavior Data. Integrating AND using our Incident product results in inconsistent data reporting. Integrated Data will show up in the District Dashboard and Classroom Dashboard while Non-integrated data will show up in the Student Dashboard.

Known Issue: It is recommended that only ONE option is chosen to collect behavior Data. Integrating AND using our Incident product results in inconsistent data reporting. Integrated Data will show up in the District Dashboard and Classroom Dashboard while Non-integrated data will show up in the Student Dashboard.

See District Dashboard: Features and UI Explanation for more information about items consistent across all tabs.


Dashboard > MTSS Side Navigation > Overview Tab (default) >Behavior Tab

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(District Dashboard Behavior Tab)

The chart contents include the following headings:

  • Building

    • Listed in alphabetical order

  • Tier 3

    • The percentage of students in each building that have a total incident count that falls within the Tier 3 range established in Admin Settings

  • Tier 2

    • The percentage of students in each building that have a total incident count that falls with the Tier 2 range established in Admin Settings

  • At Risk Tier 3

    • Shows the number of students in each building whose incident counts are at the high end for Tier 2 and are ‘at risk’ of becoming a Tier 3 should their incident count increase

    • This it the equivalent of a Tier 3 At Risk Indicator shown in the Classroom and Student Dashboard

  • At Risk Tier 2

    • Shows the number of students in each building whose incident counts are at the high end for Tier 1 and are ‘at risk’ of becoming a Tier 2 should their incident count increase

    • This it the equivalent of a Tier 2 At Risk Indicator shown in the Classroom and Student Dashboard

  • T2 / T3 No Intervention

    • The number of students within each building that have met the incident count criteria for the Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 range AND do not have an intervention plan in place.