My Training (Admin UI)

We need to make adjustments to the My Training screen to improve performance and create a better UX for admin users.


Main My Training Screen



  • If the user filters to a region/building that does not have access to a tool, they will see a message indicating this.


Business Rules

  • This applies to all users marked “is admin role” with access to more than 1 building.

  • If a region/building was previously selected on the Program Tools, Lesson Library, My Resources, Behavior, or Assessments Screen, these filters will remain

  • The user will see all components based on what has been allocated to the account level they belong to. Meaning, a district level admin will see see all components allocated to the district and a region level admin will see all components allocated to the region.

  • Disability Awareness will show/be accessible if Disability Support Staff, Disability Educators, Disability Teachers, Disability Peers, Disability Home, or Disability Community has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to these components, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • Fundamentals of Special Education will show/be accessible if Fundamentals of Special Education Series has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • Applied Behavior Analysis will show/be accessible if Training Basic or Training Advanced has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to these components, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • SEL Training will show/be accessible if SEL PD has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • Neurodiversity will show/be accessible if Neurodiversity Series has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • My Training Plan will not be impacted by the filter.

Disability Awareness


  • When a user clicks into Disability Awareness, they will see a list of all available training modules.

  • They will see the filter above the trainings


  • If any section is not available based on the filter selections, they will see a message indicating this and a link to reset the filters.


Business Rules

  • If a region/building was previously selected on the Program Tools, Lesson Library, My Resources, My Training (or any of the training screens), Behavior, or Assessments Screen, these filters will remain

  • The user will see all components based on what has been allocated to the account level they belong to. Meaning, a district level admin will see see all components allocated to the district and a region level admin will see all components allocated to the region.

  • Staff section will show/be accessible if Disability Support Staff has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • Peers section will show/be accessible if Disability Peers has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • Home section will show/be accessible if Disability Home has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • Community section will show/be accessible if Disability Community has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.

  • Educators section will show/be accessible if Disability Educators has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message.



  • When a user clicks into Fundamentals of Special Education, they will see a list of all available training modules.

  • They will see the filter above the trainings


  • If this section is not available based on the filter selections, they will see a message indicating this and a link to reset the filters.


Business Rules

  • If a region/building was previously selected on the Program Tools, Lesson Library, My Resources, My Training (or any of the training screens), Behavior, or Assessments Screen, these filters will remain

  • The user will see all components based on what has been allocated to the account level they belong to. Meaning, a district level admin will see see all components allocated to the district and a region level admin will see all components allocated to the region.

  • Trainings will show/be accessible if Fundamentals of Special Education Series has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message

Applied Behavior Analysis


  • When a user clicks into Applied Behavior Analysis, they will see a list of all available training modules.

  • They will see the filter above the trainings

  • If any section (Basic or Advanced) is not available based on the filter selections, they will see a message indicating this and a link to reset the filters.


Business Rules

  • If a region/building was previously selected on the Program Tools, Lesson Library, My Resources, My Training (or any of the training screens), Behavior, or Assessments Screen, these filters will remain

  • The user will see all components based on what has been allocated to the account level they belong to. Meaning, a district level admin will see see all components allocated to the district and a region level admin will see all components allocated to the region.

  • Basic will show/be accessible if Training Basic has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message

  • Advanced will show/be accessible if Training Advanced has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message



  • When a user clicks into SEL Training Series, they will see a list of all available training modules.

  • They will see the filter above the trainings

  • If this section is not available based on the filter selections, they will see a message indicating this and a link to reset the filters.


Business Rules

  • If a region/building was previously selected on the Program Tools, Lesson Library, My Resources, My Training (or any of the training screens), Behavior, or Assessments Screen, these filters will remain

  • The user will see all components based on what has been allocated to the account level they belong to. Meaning, a district level admin will see see all components allocated to the district and a region level admin will see all components allocated to the region.

  • Trainings will show/be accessible if SEL PD has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message



  • When a user clicks into Neurodiversity, they will see a list of all available training modules.

  • They will see the filter above the trainings


  • If this section is not available based on the filter selections, they will see a message indicating this and a link to reset the filters.


Business Rules

  • If a region/building was previously selected on the Program Tools, Lesson Library, My Resources, My Training (or any of the training screens), Behavior, or Assessments Screen, these filters will remain

  • The user will see all components based on what has been allocated to the account level they belong to. Meaning, a district level admin will see see all components allocated to the district and a region level admin will see all components allocated to the region.

  • Trainings will show/be accessible if Neurodiversity Series has been allocated. If the user does not have access at all to this component, do not show the block. If the user does have access but the selected building does not, show the not available message