ELA | Student View PowerBI | MTSS Dashboard

We need to show all of the specifics for Reading / Language Arts including state and district assessments.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/LcnuW2hayj5Z5e4e9ayaXg/MTSS-Dashboard?type=design&node-id=3312%3A56087&mode=design&t=NdnKM3q1sjl54MEI-1

User Story

As a teacher user, I need to see a full picture of the student’s academic performance in STAR Early Literacy so that I can provide the student with appropriate tools and intervention plans to help them reach their potential in this content area.



  • To view the Star Early Literacy results for a specific student, the user clicks on the Star Early Literacy tab.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Star Early Literacy and Star Reading Tabs (See image: 4th grade example-change year)

  • Star Early Literacy is normally given to students in grades K, 1, and 2 but there are a few cases where it was given to an older student therefore:

    • Given a student has taken the Star Early Literacy test within the school year selected, then they will see the Star Early Literacy Tab.

    • Given a student has not taken the Star Early Literacy test within the school year selected, then they will not see the Star Early Literacy Tab.

    • Given a student has taken both the Star Early Literacy and the Star Reading, then they will see both tabs.

User Story

  • This is for consideration after the first year.

As a teacher user I need to see a full picture of the student’s academic performance in reading over multiple years so that I will know the history of growth in the past and can better prepare for this year’s upcoming tests.


  • To view the Star Reading results for a specific student, the user clicks on the Star Reading tab.


  • To select a different year, the user clicks on the the drop down and selects a year.


  • User sees previous year’s information.



Acceptance Criteria

Selecting a Past School Year

  • Given the student has been enrolled for multiple years and has taken a reading test (Star Early Literacy and/or Star Math), we will include the years the student has data for reading in the drop down. (See drop down in image: Empty State)

    • Given a student or the school district has no data for a particular year, then we will not show an option for selection in the drop down.

      • Given a previous school year is selected from the drop down, then we will show the graph and chart below for the that selection. (See image Previous School year)

      • Given a previous school year is selected from the drop down, then we will show the graph and chart below for that selection.

      • Given I am a user viewing one or more school years, I will see all assessment data for the selected time periods.

Define School Year Settings

  • The default setting for the school year are: Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4.


Testing Windows

  • We will follow Renaissance fields: ScreeningWindowStartDate and ScreeningWindowEndDate to know when to begin and end data collection for each test (Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math) and each season (Fall, Winter, Spring). That information fills the graphs and charts in the student area. Additional field needed is ScreeningWindowPeriodName which shows the season name (Fall, Winter, Spring) and accompanies each of the ScreeningWindowStartDate and ScreeningWindowEndDate fields for each test.

  • We will use the ScreeningWindowStartDate to determine which label to use for the time periods as defined by Define School Year Settings and where to put the data in regards to the school year.

  • Given no data is available for a test, then we will show the Empty state for the graph and chart.

    • Empty states apply to each of the areas in the Student View (Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance).



User Story

As a teacher viewing the Star Early Literacy Tab for a specific student, I need to see a graph that directs my attention to the specific cut points for the grade level of the student so that I can understand the progress the student is making throughout the year.





Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same rules for functionality of graphs as is explained in Star Math.

  • Columns in table: View Renaissance Early Literacy for Mapping

  • Percentile

    • We will show the student’s percentile rank for each of the seasons.

    • Mapping: See: PercentileRank In Star Early Literacy

  • Scaled Score

    • We will show the student’s scaled score for each of the seasons.

    • Mapping: See: ScaledScore In Star Early Literacy

  • Category Rating

    • We will show the student’s category rating based on the percentile.

    • Mapping: See: RenaissanceBenchmarkCategoryName in Star Early Literacy

  • Grade Equivalent

    • We will show the student’s grade equivalency.

    • Mapping: See: GradeEquivalent in Star Early Literacy

  • Extra Time

    • We will show if the student needed extra time: Yes or No are the possibilities

    • Mapping: See: ExtraTime in Star Early Literacy.

  • Plan

    • None (if there is not an MTSS Intervention Plan)

    • T2 button (Pre-Planning, In-Progress, Mastered, Archived)

    • T3 button (Pre-Planning, In-Progress, Mastered, Archived)


User Story

As a teacher viewing the Star Reading Tab for a specific student, I need to see a graph that directs my attention to the specific cut points for the grade level of the student so that I can understand the progress the student is making throughout the year.




Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same rules for functionality of graphs as is explained in Star Math.

  • Columns in table: View Renaissance Star Reading for Mapping

  • Percentile

    • We will show the student’s percentile rank for each of the seasons.

    • Mapping: See: PercentileRank In Star Reading

  • Scaled Score

    • We will show the student’s scaled score for each of the seasons.

    • Mapping: See: ScaledScore In Star Reading

  • Category Rating

    • We will show the student’s category rating based on the percentile.

    • Mapping: See: RenaissanceBenchmarkCategoryName in Star Reading

  • Grade Equivalent

    • We will show the student’s grade equivalency.

    • Mapping: See: GradeEquivalent in Star Reading

  • Extra Time

    • We will show if the student needed extra time: Yes or No are the possibilities

    • Mapping: See ExtraTime in Star Reading.

  • Plan

    • None (if there is not an MTSS Intervention Plan)

    • T2 button (Pre-Planning, In-Progress, Mastered, Archived)

    • T3 button (Pre-Planning, In-Progress, Mastered, Archived)


Intervention Buttons

User Story

As an admin or teacher user who is considering creating a new intervention plan, I need to view current and past intervention plans so that I can assess the effectiveness of past supports to help me determine the best course of action moving forward.


  • To view an intervention plan, the user clicks on the Intervention Plan button and is taken to view the intervention plan.

  • The user will see the T2 Plan Pre-Planning button for a tier 2 plan in pre-planning


  • The user will see the T2 Plan - In Progress button for a tier 2 plan in progress

  • The user will see the T2 Plan - Archived button for a tier 2 plan that is archived

  • The user will see the T2 Plan - Mastered button for a tier 2 plan that is mastered

  • The user will see the T3 Plan Pre-Planning button for a tier 3 plan in pre-planning

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - In Progress button for a tier 3 plan in progress

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - Archived button for a tier 3 plan that is archived

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - Mastered button for a tier 3 plan that is mastered


Acceptance Criteria

  • Intervention Buttons are included on Star Early Literacy (SEL), Star Reading, Star Math, Behavior, SEL.

  • Given user has clicked on an intervention plan button, they will be taken to view the intervention plan.

  • 8 Tier Button variations include:

    • T2 Plan Pre-Planning (yellow)

    • T2 Plan In Progress (yellow)

    • T2 Plan Archived (yellow)

    • T2 Plan Mastered (green)

    • T3 Plan-Pre Planning (red)

    • T3 Plan In -Progress (red)

    • T3 Plan -Archived (red)

    • T3 Plan- Mastered (green)

  • A plan that has the status of In Progress will be the priority to show to the user

  • Given the there is a Plan in Pre-Planning and a Plan In Progress for the student, we will show the In-Progress Plan button for the specified tier level.

  • Given a student has the same intervention plan in the same status (Pre Planning, In Progress, Mastered, Archived) that extends into another testing window, then we show the same button twice-once in the previous testing season and once in the current testing season.

    • Given the user changes the status of the plan within the current testing season, we will update the button to reflect the change thus showing only one button with the most current updated status.

  • Given there is no intervention plan in place when an assessment is integrated and a user creates an intervention plan before the next assessment is integrated, the plan created will show in the Plan column even if it was after the dates.

    • The intervention plan will show in two rows if no other intervention plan is created when the next assessment is integrated.

  • The appearance and updates of the Intervention Plan Tier Buttons follows the dates included in the intervention plan and the dates in the Define School Year settings.

    • We only show one Intervention Plan Tier Button

    • If there is an update to the intervention plan, the intervention plan button is updated (T2 Pre-planning can be replaced with T2 In-Progress) for changes made during the specific date ranges.

      • Given the date range/time period has passed, then the button in shown in it’s final variation for that time period.

      • Only one Intervention Plan Tier button will be shown at a time for each given subject area.

  • Given there are multiple plans in different statuses, the most recent Intervention Plan will be shown according to the date.

    • If there is an Archived plan and a user begins a new plan that is in Pre-Planning, the Pre-Planning Intervention Plan will be shown instead on the table.

    • If there is an In-Progress Plan, this plan will be shown by default.