Overview | Student View PowerBi | MTSS Dashboard

We need to provide an overview page which contains a current snapshot of how the student is performing and also includes tabs to view each assessment STAR Early Literacy, Star ELA, Star Math, Behavior SEL, and Attendance.


Design: https://www.figma.com/file/LcnuW2hayj5Z5e4e9ayaXg/MTSS-Dashboard?type=design&node-id=3312%3A5960&mode=design&t=NdnKM3q1sjl54MEI-1


User Story:

As a teacher viewing the Student report, I need to see the overall picture of a specific student’s background information including the Student Details, Academic Needs and Other Details so that I can quickly “get to know” the student before responding to the needs in each of the categories (ELA, Math, SEL, Behavior, Attendance).


  • To access the Student view, users will click on a student name from the Student building list or the classroom list of students.


  • To view an existing Intervention plan, user clicks on Intervention plan button.

(Intervention Plan Button)
  • User sees Tier recommendations in chart below graphs.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • SEL Differences

    • For users who have MTSS (all tools) and SEL, we will show the heading SEL.

    • For users who have MTSS (all tools) and Wellness we will show the heading Wellness in place of SEL

    • For users who have MTSS (all tools) and Life Skills and Wellness we will show the heading Life Skills and Wellness in place of SEL

  • Whichever version is selected will populate throughout the MTSS reports

  • See connections for mapping:


  • The graphs (ELA: 4th Grade, Math: 4th Grade, Behavior: 4th Grade, SEL: 4th Grade. Attendance: 4th Grade) are pre-filtered to contain all students enrolled in 4th grade for the selected school.

  • We will emphasize the part of the graph where the particular student’s score is contained. (See image: Emphasized Graphs where arrows show examples of what this could look like).

Tier Notices

  • See image: Emphasized Graphs. Look for Behavior Incidents Tier Notices at top left of page.

  • We will show up to 6 Tier Notices on the page. The possibilities for Tier notices include:

    • Tier 2 for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Absences, Tardies

    • Tier 3 for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Absences, Tardies

    • For more information about Tier Notices see: ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance.

  • Given there is a Tier notice, we will show that same color (Red for Tier 3 and yellow for Tier 2 in the chart below. (See image: Emphasized Graphs. Look for Behavior incidents row in red.)

  • Given there is more than one Tier notice, we will show pagination for the tier notice that includes the number of tier notices

    • Example: 1 of 6.

    • To view additional Tier Notices, the user clicks on the right/left arrow.

  • Given there is more than 1 Tier Notice, we will show them as the most recent first to the least recent.

Tier Buttons

  • Given there is a Tier Intervention plan in place (Pre-Planning, In Progress, Archived, Mastered) for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL then we will show the specified Tier Button. (See image: Intervention Plan Button)

    • Given user selects the Tier Plan button, then we will show the Intervention Plan with the tab opened to the specific content area. (See example: Math)

    • Given a student has both an intervention plan that is In-Progress and also an intervention plan that is in Pre-Planning, then we will show the Intervention Plan that is In-Progress. (See image: Emphasized Graphs. Look for Star Math showing a Tier 2 In-Progress Tier Button. )

    • There are no tier intervention buttons for Attendance(Absences and Tardies) since we do not have an intervention plan for Attendance.


Tier Recommendations Indicators

At Risk

  • We have the following At Risk indicators

    • Reading/Math: Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

    • SEL: Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

    • Behavior: Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

    • Absences (Attendance): Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

    • Tardies (Attendance): Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

  • At risk indicators (red down arrow) shows for Reading, Math, SEL, Behavior, and Attendance (Absences and Tardies) in accordance with the specifications set in Account Settings for each (Links take you there)

    • Also see each area for explanation of when At Risk indicators show in Reading, Math, SEL, Behavior, Attendance. (Links take you to each content area and contain information about At Risk and Approaching.


  • We have the following Approaching indicators

    • Reading/ Math: Tier 2 Approaching, Tier 1 Approaching

    • SEL: Tier 2 Approaching, Tier 1 Approaching

    • Behavior: Tier 2 Approaching, Tier 1 Approaching

  • We do not have Approaching Indicators for Attendance (Absences or Tardies)

User Story

As an educator viewing the Student MTSS Dashboard Report, I need to navigate between school years and areas so that I can see how the student in doing in Reading, Math, SEL, Behavior, and Attendance.



Selecting School Year

  • To change the school year, user clicks on the school year drop down and makes a selection.



Selecting Tabs

  • To view data for a specific category, the user clicks on the tab they wish to select.


Acceptance Criteria:

Selecting School Year

  • The default setting for the school year drop down is the current school year.

  • Given there is data for previous school years for a specific student, then we will show previous school years listed in the drop down in order from the most recent to the least recent.

  • Given a previous school year is selected (See image: Previous School Year), then the graphs will show the location of the student within each category (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) highlighted.

  • The student must have at least one of the categories, (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) containing data for at least one of the quarters for a previous year in order for it it appear in the drop down.

    • Given a student does not have data for all of the categories, we will show an empty state for that graph.


  • Given the user has selected a previous school year, then the tabs show the categories for which the student has data.

    • Example: If student took Star Early Literacy in the past year and not Star Reading, then we would show a Star Early Literacy Tab.

  • Given the student does not have data in a category (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) for a previous year, then we will not show a tab for that category.

  • Given there is data for a selected tab: Intervention Plans, Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance then we will show the tab.

  • Given user selects a tab, we will show the page that corresponds to the year selected from the Year Drop down and the content area selected. (See image: Star Early Literacy)

    • Given a previous year is selected from the drop down, we will show the demographics information for the previous year.

  • For more information on each of the content area tabs see: ELA, Math, SEL, Behavior, Attendance.


Integration Information and appearance of tabs.

  • We will show the Intervention Tab and the Tabs for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL if user has MTSS Interventions (All tools or Intervention Tracking enabled) and permission to Edit Plans.

    • We show Reading and Math Tab tabs and Graphs when testing data has been integrated from Renaissance. (See: Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Star Math)

    • We will show the Behavior Tab and Graph when data has been integrated through Powerschool and/or through our own Incident’s component.

    • We will show the SEL tab if user has our SEL component.

  • We will show the attendance tab and graph when data has been integrated through Powerschool: Attendance Mapping.


User Story:

As a teacher or admin viewing the Overview Report, I need to analyze assessment results to determine if an intervention exists or if one is needed so that I can make sure that student who are close to benchmarks are getting the services they need to be successful.


  • To view a intervention plan, the user can click on the button and the plan will open in another tab in the browser.



Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user viewing the student dashboard overview, I will see graphs that show the filtered results for the specific grade level the student belongs to in the school building.

  • Tier Notices

    • We will show up to 6 Tier Notices on the page. The possibilities for Tier notices include:

      • Tier 2 for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Absences, Tardies

      • Tier 3 for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Absences, Tardies

      • For more information about Tier Notices see: ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance.

    • Given there is a Tier notice, we will show that same color (Red for Tier 3 and yellow for Tier 2 in the chart below.

    Tier Buttons

    • Given there is a Tier Intervention plan in place (Pre-Planning, In Progress, Archived, Mastered) for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL then we will show the specified Tier Button.

      • Given user selects the Tier Plan button, then we will show the Intervention Plan with the tab opened to the specific content area.

      • Given a student has both an intervention plan that is In-Progress and also an intervention plan that is in Pre-Planning, then we will show the Intervention Plan that is In-Progress.

      • There are no tier intervention buttons for Attendance (Absences and Tardies) since we do not have an intervention plan for Attendance.


    Tier Recommendations Indicators

    At Risk

    • We have the following At Risk indicators

      • Reading/Math: Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

      • SEL: Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

      • Behavior: Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

      • Absences (Attendance): Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

      • Tardies (Attendance): Tier 1 At Risk, Tier 2 At Risk

    • At risk indicators (red down arrow) shows for Reading, Math, SEL, Behavior, and Attendance (Absences and Tardies) in accordance with the specifications set in Account Settings for each (Links take you there)

      • Also see each area for explanation of when At Risk indicators show in Reading, Math, SEL, Behavior, Attendance. (Links take you to each content area and contain information about At Risk and Approaching.


    • We have the following Approaching indicators

      • Reading/ Math: Tier 2 Approaching, Tier 1 Approaching

      • SEL: Tier 2 Approaching, Tier 1 Approaching

      • Behavior: Tier 2 Approaching, Tier 1 Approaching

    • We do not have Approaching Indicators for Attendance (Absences or Tardies)



  • See Mapping Instructions for +/- 2 Percentiles: Renaissance

    • We will show the Renaissance Naming Criteria (At / Above, On Watch, Intervention, Urgent Intervention) next to the Tier Level as user specified in Account Settings.

  • Given there is a Tier Notification, we will show that row in red. (See image: Assessment Data. Look for Behavior Incidents)



Intervention Buttons

User Story

As an admin or teacher user who is considering creating a new intervention plan, I need to view current and past intervention plans so that I can assess the effectiveness of past supports to help me determine the best course of action moving forward.


  • To view an intervention plan, the user clicks on the Intervention Plan button and is taken to view the intervention plan.

  • The user will see the T2 Plan Pre-Planning button for a tier 2 plan in pre-planning


  • The user will see the T2 Plan - In Progress button for a tier 2 plan in progress

  • The user will see the T2 Plan - Archived button for a tier 2 plan that is archived

  • The user will see the T2 Plan - Mastered button for a tier 2 plan that is mastered

  • The user will see the T3 Plan Pre-Planning button for a tier 3 plan in pre-planning

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - In Progress button for a tier 3 plan in progress

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - Archived button for a tier 3 plan that is archived

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - Mastered button for a tier 3 plan that is mastered


Acceptance Criteria

  • Intervention Buttons are included on Star Early Literacy (SEL), Star Reading, Star Math, Behavior, SEL.

  • Given user has clicked on an intervention plan button, they will be taken to view the intervention plan.

  • 8 Tier Button variations include:

    • T2 Plan Pre-Planning (yellow)

    • T2 Plan In Progress (yellow)

    • T2 Plan Archived (yellow)

    • T2 Plan Mastered (green)

    • T3 Plan-Pre Planning (red)

    • T3 Plan In -Progress (red)

    • T3 Plan -Archived (red)

    • T3 Plan- Mastered (green)

  • A plan that has the status of In Progress will be the priority to show to the user

  • Given the there is a Plan in Pre-Planning and a Plan In Progress for the student, we will show the In-Progress Plan button for the specified tier level.

  • Given a student has the same intervention plan in the same status (Pre Planning, In Progress, Mastered, Archived) that extends into another testing window, then we show the same button twice-once in the previous testing season and once in the current testing season.

    • Given the user changes the status of the plan within the current testing season, we will update the button to reflect the change thus showing only one button with the most current updated status.

  • Given there is no intervention plan in place when an assessment is integrated and a user creates an intervention plan before the next assessment is integrated, the plan created will show in the Plan column even if it was after the dates.

    • The intervention plan will show in two rows if no other intervention plan is created when the next assessment is integrated.

  • The appearance and updates of the Intervention Plan Tier Buttons follows the dates included in the intervention plan and the dates in the Define School Year settings.

    • We only show one Intervention Plan Tier Button

    • If there is an update to the intervention plan, the intervention plan button is updated (T2 Pre-planning can be replaced with T2 In-Progress) for changes made during the specific date ranges.

      • Given the date range/time period has passed, then the button in shown in it’s final variation for that time period.

      • Only one Intervention Plan Tier button will be shown at a time for each given subject area.

  • Given there are multiple plans in different statuses, the most recent Intervention Plan will be shown according to the date.

    • If there is an Archived plan and a user begins a new plan that is in Pre-Planning, the Pre-Planning Intervention Plan will be shown instead on the table.

    • If there is an In-Progress Plan, this plan will be shown by default.