Attendance| Student View | PowerBI | MTSS Dashboard

We need a way to see the full history of a student’s Attendance for absence and tardy so that patterns can be detected and appropriate interventions can be put in place.



User Story

As a teacher user, I need to see a full picture of the student’s attendance history so that I can determine patterns and provide the student with appropriate tools and intervention plans to help them develop healthy attendance habits.



  • To view the attendance, user clicks on the attendance tab.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same rules for top section containing the student demographics, Academic Needs, Other Details and the Year Selector drop down explained in Overview.

  • Given Attendance Tab is selected, user sees the attendance totals for the selected year.

User Story

As a teacher or admin user viewing the Attendance tab, I need to see a graphical representation that is easy to understand so that I get a clear understanding of the percentage of absence and tardy and the tier levels of each.


Absent Rate and Tardy Rate Box

  • To view more or view less from the Absent Rate and Tardy Rate box, user clicks on View More and/or View Less.


Hover / Click Bars

  • To view the specific information about absences or tardies for a specific day, user hovers over or clicks on the bar.


  • Absent or Tardy records are updated daily.

  • Mapping (See: Attendance Mapping | Powerschool)

    • Use ATTENDANCE.STUDENT_NUMBER to identify the student

    • Use ATTENDANCE.ATT_DATE in combination with ATTENDANCE ATTENDANCE_STATUS and STUDENTS ENTRYDATE to signal if an absence or tardy occurred.

Absent Rate and Tardy Rate Box:

  • Follow same rules as shown in Behavior | Student View for contents of Absent Rate, Tardy Rate, Tier designation, View More and View Less. (See Incident Rate Box in Acceptance Criteria on Behavior | Student View)

Hover / Click Bars

  • Given a bar is clicked on or hovered over, we will show the number of days the student has been absent or tardy. (See image: Hover/Click)

  • Given an attendance bar is hovered or clicked over, we will show the message: Total Days Absent: [number of days].

  • Given a tardy bar is hovered or clicked over, we will show the message: Total Days Tardy: [number of days].


User Story:

As a teacher or admin user, I need to see the list showing the specific dates of absence and tardies so that I identify patterns in attendance.


  • To view the chart for Absences, User clicks on the drop box and makes a selection or just views the default.


  • To view the chart for Tardies, User clicks on the drop box and selects Tardies.


Acceptance Criteria

Drop Down

  • The drop down contains:

    • Absences

    • Tardies

  • The default selection is Absences.

  • Given Absences is selected from the drop down, we will show the lists of Absences. (See image: Absences Selected)

  • Given Tardies is selected from the drop down, we will show the list of Tardies. (See image: Tardies Selected)

  • We will list the absences and tardies from the most recent to the least recent.

Account Settings

  • We will show a column Absences Tier and include the Tier assignment as specified in Account Settings. (See image: Absence Selected for Absence Tier column name.)

  • We will show a column Tardy Tier and include the Tier assignment as specified in Account Settings. (See image: Tardies Selected for Tardy Tier column name.)

  • We will show an ongoing Absent Rate and the Tardy rate calculation for each absences and tardy recorded as specified in Account Settings.




At Risk Students

User Story

As a teacher or admin, I need to know when a student’s attendance (Absences and/or Tardies) are increasing to a level that would require additional support so that I will know when it is time to research why the student is missing school.


  • User sees the At Risk indicator when conditions are met for Absences and/ or Tardies.



Acceptance Criteria

At Risk Indicator


How Risk Indicators work for Attendance (Absences and Tardies): Rounding Rules

  • Absences and Tardies work the same way.

  • As explained on the page Attendance Mapping | Powerschool, the attendance rate will be rounded to the nearest whole percentage. The information below is to spell out how tiers and At Risk Indicators would work if the attendance rates had two decimal places, for clarity.

  • Use image: Attendance Settings as example (See left).

    • Given the absences calculation is below 7.50%, then we will NOT show an At Risk Indicator.

    • Given the absences calculation reaches 7.50%, then the Tier 2 At Risk indicator will show.

    • Given the absences calculation is between 7.50% and 9.49%, then the Tier 2 At Risk Indicator remains.

    • Given the absence calculation reaches 9.50%, then we will show the student as Tier 2. The Tier 2 At Risk Indicator would be removed.

    • Given the absences calculation reaches 12.50%, then the Tier 3 At Risk Indicator will show.

    • Given the absences calculation is between 12.50% and 14.49%, then the Tier 3 At Risk Indicator remains.

    • Given the absences calculation reaches 14.50%, then we will show the student as Tier 3. The Tier 3 At Risk Indicator would be removed.

  • At this time Attendance does NOT have Approaching Indicator functionality.