Math | Classroom View | iReady | MTSS Dashboard

We need a way for Admin and non-admin with permission to view reports users to see a view the classroom report by iReady Math so that they can make informed decisions for MTSS Interventions for both the staff and the students in their district. We need to make sure that if the admin has clicked on a classroom from the admin dashboard that they can easily return to the report that they were looking at before they selected the classroom.


User Story

As a district/building level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to view a classroom through an iReady Math only lens from the admin reports.



Acceptance Criteria


User Story

As a non-admin or admin with permission to View Reports I need to be able to view a classroom through an iReady Math only lens from the Classroom.



Acceptance Criteria


User Story

As an admin or non-admin with permissions to view reports, I want to be able to navigate, search, and filter easily using the breadcrumbs, school year selection, filters, page selection, and tabs as described in the Overview specs.


Acceptance Criteria


User Story

As a district level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to select past iReady Math scores and see suggested Tiers at that point in time.


Acceptance Criteria


At Risk/ Approaching

User Story

As a district level admin or non-admin with permission to View reports, I need to be able to find the students who are at risk or approaching a new tier level so that I can provide students with the necessary support level.


Acceptance Criteria



User Story

As a district level admin or non-admin with permission to View reports, I need to know if a student is not receiving interventions that scored at a Tier 2 or 3 level on the Math iReady Assessment



Acceptance Criteria



User Story

As an admin user, I need to see the list of students that is generated from my search criteria in the iReady Overview, ELA and Math tabs so that I plan the next steps for students with similar needs.



Acceptance Criteria