Setting Up Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for your Account

Setting Up Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for your Account


If you are in an EVV required region, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or the Rethink Support team at support@rethinkbh.com to enable EVV for your account.



Helpful Information



Helpful Information

Setting Up EVV in Rethink

After EVV has been turned on for your account, navigate to the Company Account tab.

Ensure your Basic Information section is setup with your correct NPI(National Provider Identifier), Medicaid ID and EIN (Federal Tax ID # and match with the corresponding details in your Tellus account. These are critical fields required for Tellus and will cause visit rejections if not added.

Navigate to Company Account → Basic Info

  1. Update the Company Name to EXACTLY MATCH the name in the Tellus → Billing Provider section

  2. Update the Medicaid ID to EXACTLY MATCH the Medicaid ID in the Tellus → Billing Provider section

    1. If you need to enter multiple Medicaid ID numbers to later select at the Funder level, you can press the + sign to add in as many as needed


Turning on EVV for Funders

Funders associated with appointments requiring EVV should have the EVV Verification Setting assigned to Tellus

  1. Navigate to Company Account → Funders → Select Funder → Select Edit

  2. Select ‘Tellus’ as a value for Electronic Visit Verification and select the appropriate Medicaid ID #

    1. The Medicaid ID # will populate based on the options entered on the Company Account>Basic Information area


  • Please note that you will see the Electronic Visit Verification field only when EVV is turned ON for your account

Setting Proper Role Permissions

Navigate to Company Account → Roles → Edit Permissions → Scroll to Scheduler Permissions

  1. Verify Appointments

    1. Users Clocking In/Clocking Out should have the Verify Appointments permission

  2. Approve EVV Appointments

    1. Approve appointments to be sent to your EVV vendor in the Appointment List view of the Scheduler

  3. Override Clock In/Clock Out for EVV Appointments

    1. Verify EVV appointments on the browser and attach a reason code


Adding Proper Information to Staff Profiles

Tellus requires a Medicaid ID # is populated for Staff Members who will be performing services.

  1. Navigate to Staff → Select Staff Member → General Information → Select Edit → Medicaid ID

  • Please note that not populating the Medicaid ID # for the provider may result in a Claim Denial.

Adding Proper Information to Client Profiles

Ensure all clients that will be billed through Tellus have a Referring Physician {First Name{space}Last Name} and NPI Number added in the Client Profile

Clients → Select Client → Client Info →Referring Providers


Failure to add Referring Physician Names and NPI will result in Rejections of visits.

For more information on adding Referring Providers to a client profile refer to How to Manage Referring Providers in Client Profiles



Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or the Rethink Support team at support@rethinkbh.com to enable EVV for your account in Rethink.



Helpful Information



Helpful Information

Obtaining your Sandata Credentials

  1. Email or call Sandata Call Center to register your request to use Rethink as your “Provider Choice System”

  2. When asked for Vendor contact details, provide the following:
    Vendor: Rethink
    EVV Vendor Contact Name: Rethink Support
    EVV Vendor Contact Number: 877.988.8871 option 4
    EVV Vendor Contact Email: support@rethinkbh.com
    EVV Product Name: Rethink Behavioral Health

  3. Once you have received confirmation correspondence from Sandata acknowledging Rethink will be your vendor, email your Rethink point of contact requesting vendor credentials be retrieved.

  4. Once Rethink obtains your vendor credentials, they will email you the:

    1. Business Entity ID

    2. User ID

    3. Password

  5. You will need to obtain:

    1. Payer ID and Program ID

      1. Here is a resource to assist: CO HCPF Third Party Electronic Visit Verification Addendum-June 2021 (colorado.gov)

  • Sandata Call Center contact information: 844-289-4246 or coaltevv@sandata.com

  • Register for Provider Choice Training here


    If you are currently using the Sandata App to verify appointments then please ensure you are ready to fully transition to using the integration alternative. You will lose Sandata App access as soon as alternate integration credentials are created for your account.

Setting up EVV in Rethink

Ensure your Company Account → Basic Information section is setup with the correct Medicaid ID

  1. If you need to enter multiple Medicaid ID numbers to later select at the Funder level, you can press the + sign to add in as many as needed


  • These are critical fields required for Sandata and will cause visit rejections if not added.

Turning on EVV for Funders

Once EVV is turned on for your account, you should see a setting for Electronic Visit Verification under the Scheduling Rules of your Funder.

Company Account → Funders → Select Funder → Edit


Select Sandata>Select State (Colorado, Arizona, or California)>Enter in all fields (Business Entity ID, User ID, Password, Payer ID, Program ID, and Medicaid ID #)

  • The Medicaid ID # will pull from the Company Account>Basic Information area

  • Please note that you will see the Electronic Visit Verification field only when EVV is turned ON for your account

  • For California specifically, there is an additional field that users need to select from, which is called the “Jurisdiction ID” field. This field must contain the Sandata defined entity code for regional center, MSSP Site, county, or waiver the agency funder is tied to

Setting Proper Role Permissions

Navigate to Company Account → Roles → Edit Permissions → Scroll to Scheduler Permissions

  1. Verify Appointments

    1. Users Clocking In/Clocking Out should have the Verify Appointments permission

  2. Approve EVV Appointments

    1. Approve appointments to be sent to your EVV vendor in the Appointment List view of the Scheduler

  3. Override Clock In/Clock Out for EVV Appointments

    1. Verify EVV appointments on the browser and attach a reason code


Adding Proper Information to Client Profiles

For all clients requiring EVV, please ensure a valid address exists in the Client Profile

Clients → Select Client → Client Info → Demographics → Select Edit →Address field



Adding Proper Information to Staff Profiles

For all employees providing EVV services, please ensure the employee’s social security number is added to the Taxonomy field of their staff profile.

Staff Members → Select Staff Member → General Information → Taxonomy Field


  • Do not add in dashes when adding the social security number to a staffs profile

Multiple Medicaid IDs for Different Locations

Navigate to Company Account → Locations → select TypeState License Number and add the Medicaid Id provided for the specific location.

Ensure the clients (recipients) contain the correct location based on the Medicaid Id in the Client Profile

Clients → Select Client → Client Info → Demographics → Location/ Facility to route them correctly to the Sandata accounts.

  • If Type is not equal to State License Number AND/ OR Id field has a blank value then the Medicaid Id in the Company Account will be connected to the sent appointments.

  • If there is a (State License Number, Medicaid Id) present on the location as well as a Medicaid Id is present on the Company Account> Medicaid Id then preference will be given to the Medicaid Id in the Location and will be sent with the appointment.

  • If there is no Medicaid Id present in Company Account >Location or Company Account > Basic Information then blank value will be sent to Sandata.

Arizona Specific Requirements

  • Employee Email must be entered

    • Staff Members>General Information>Email

  • Client Phone number must be entered

    • Clients>Contact>Primary Contact

  • Client Custom ID (Insured ID) must be entered under the assigned Funder within a client’s profile

    • Client Profile>Funder>Medicaid Funder (or Funder who will have Sandata setting on)>Insured ID

    • Additional client user-defined ID. Commonly used to customize the built-in Client ID within the system. May be equal to another ID provided


UUID Number in EVV Appointment

Users are now able to see the UUID number for any Sandata EVV appointment so that they can track and identify their information.  To locate the UUID number, first, go into the scheduled appointment, then at the top portion of the page, there will be a label UUID Number based on the EVV Status and EVV Verification.




  • The UUID number WILL display when the EVV Status is: Success, Submitted (second submission/second time EVV verifies), Rejected (visit verification is rejected)

  • The UUID number will NOT display when the EVV Status is: Submitted (first submission/first time EVV verifies), Rejected (client verification is rejected), Rejected (staff verification is rejected)




Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or the Rethink Support team at support@rethinkbh.com to enable EVV for your account in Rethink.



Helpful Information



Helpful Information

Setting Up EVV in Rethink

After EVV has been turned on for your account, navigate to the Company Account tab.


Ensure your Basic Information section is setup with your correct NPI(National Provider Identifier), Medicaid ID and EIN (Federal Tax ID number) and match with the corresponding details in your HHAeXchange account. These are critical fields required for HHAeXchange and will cause visit rejections if not added.

Navigate to Company Account → Basic Info

  1. Update the Company Name to EXACTLY MATCH the name in the HHAeXchange

  2. Update the Federal Tax ID to EXACTLY MATCH the tax ID in the HHAeXchange

  3. Update the Medicaid ID to EXACTLY MATCH the Medicaid ID in the HHAeXchange

    1. If you need to enter multiple Medicaid ID numbers to later select at the Funder level, you can press the + sign to add in as many as needed


Turning on EVV for Funders

Funders associated with appointments requiring EVV should have the EVV Verification Setting assigned to HHAeXchange

  1. Navigate to Company Account → Funders → Select Funder → Select Edit

  2. Select ‘HHAX-NJ (BETA)’ as a value for Electronic Visit Verification and enter in all fields (Client ID, Client Secret, and Medicaid ID)

    1. The Medicaid ID options will pull from the Company Account>Basic Information area

  1. In the Billing Code section, there will be a checkbox stating "Send company's NPI# for this billing code". The company NPI number (found under basic information under the company account section) will be sent once this checkbox is checked off and user clicks on "Approve for EVV" in the Appointment List section with the EVV billing view toggle turned on.


  • Please note that you will see the Electronic Visit Verification field only when EVV is turned ON for your account

Setting Proper Role Permissions

Navigate to Company Account → Roles → Edit Permissions → Scroll to Scheduler Permissions

  1. Verify Appointments

    1. Users Clocking In/Clocking Out should have the Verify Appointments permission

  2. Approve EVV Appointments

    1. Approve appointments to be sent to your EVV vendor in the Appointment List view of the Scheduler

  3. Override Clock In/Clock Out for EVV Appointments

    1. Verify EVV appointments on the browser and attach a reason code


Adding Proper Information to Staff Profiles

HHAeXchange requires an NPI # and Medicaid ID # for Staff Members who will be performing services

  1. Navigate to Staff → Select Staff Member General Information → Select Edit → NPI Number and Medicaid ID

    1. If the staff does not have an NPI Number, the By-Pass Requirement checkbox can be selected


  • Please note that not populating the Medicaid ID # for the provider may result in a Claim Denial.

Adding Proper Information to Client Profiles

For all clients requiring EVV, please ensure a valid address exists in the Client Profile

Clients → Select Client → Client Info → Demographics → Address field

Ensure all Medicaid clients have the appropriate Medicaid ID

Client Funder → select the desired funder → Add Insured’s ID



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