Creating a Treatment Report Template

Creating a Treatment Report Template

Treatment Report Templates are used for client treatment reporting such as: Progress Reports, Re-Authorization Reports, Initial Authorization Report, etc.

This type of template is then pulled up in the Client’s FUNDER REPORT tab of the client’s profile. Templates are made for the entire company. This resource will review template options specific to the Treatment Report Template type

NOTE: Templates are made for the account and a PERMISSION is required to create templates

To begin creating the template, select CLIENT REPORT TEMPLATES


  • Select Treatment Report as TYPE

  • Select FUNDER and NAME the template

    • When choosing Funders, you can select 1 or Multiple to be paired with the template. This selection allows it to be used with client’s who have said funders




There are seven sections on the right-hand side. Expand the section to find options to then drag and place in the center as you build the template.

  • Remember options to the right are specific to the type of template you are creating

  • If you want a better understanding of each option that could go into the report template, please see our Client Report Template Builder Options Explained resource



Note: The Report Name field pre-populates when you create a Funder Report. This field cannot be deleted or edited. This field should be used to give the report a unique name, so that it can easily be stored and located within Rethink.

Customize the options on the Template

Once options are placed in the center (on the template) further edits can be done by clicking on the words of the option that then bring up a pop-up customizable window.

  • Remember this is a template for the account. This means the template is used for any client. Client specific information should not be inputted on this page.


Customizing options from the Default Section:

  • The Label is able to be edited and customized with your preferred label for the field.

  • The Description will be added below the text field and viewable when printing the report.

  • The Placeholder Text is stagnant text that can be edited by staff when running a report.  This is typically used if text is standard for specific fields and will save staff time when running reports.

    • In Text Area option only:

      • Add rich text formatting (bold, underline, italicized, text color, bullet points, etc.)

      • Add a tagging feature to cut down on writing client’s demographic information over and over again within a paragraph of placeholder text

  • The Required Checkbox will produce Red asterisk for a field marked as required, staff are required to fill out that field prior to saving any report.

  • Validation allows you to customize what type of text should go in this field (e.g. numbers, text, etc.)


Customizable options available after clicking on the title of the option


Add further formatting to text (in Text Area option only)


Add the tagging feature to text:(in Text Area option only)


Customizing options from the Client section:

Options under the Client section that are used in a template are so the clients information (specific to the option you are using) is pulled automatically when someone is running the template for a report.

  • Example: If using the CLIENT NAME option in the template, the client’s first and last name will automatically generate when creating a report with this template


For Graphs of program data to populate:

  • Use SKILL ACQUISITION PROGRESS in the template (for skill acquisition programs to pull in)

  • Use BEHAVIOR REDUCTION PROGRESS in the template (for behavior plans written in the behavior support tab to pull in)

    • NOTE: You can only use these options to pull in programs that HAVE DATA COLLECTED. If this is an initial assessment and you are recommended skills to be addressed you would use the Recommended Goals and Recommended Behaviors options

For Recommended Goals to be pulled into a report (i.e. skill acquisition or behavior reduction goals that have no data collected) 

  • Use Recommended Goals (pulls from the Future Tab within the Client Program Tab of the clients profile)

  • Use Recommended Behaviors (pulls from the Behavior Support Tab of the client’s profile)

    • NOTE: You could also choose to use text areas for this section and have your clinical staff write the recommended goals in manually instead of having them pull automatically - this would be helpful if you don't want to write programs in Rethink just yet)



Adding in a custom image or graph:

  1. To add custom images to a report, drag and drop the field UPLOAD GRAPH located under "Custom".  

  2. Rename the label, if a specific label is needed for the custom image that will be uploaded in this section of the report (E.g. Assessment results)

  • NOTE: This option is typically used for adding outside graphs/images to the report that were not directly achieved via Rethink (i.e. outside Assessment Results)


Select, drag, and drop additional fields needed in your template for Client, Staff, Provider, Funder, and Billing:

Preview and/or Save your template by clicking on the blue Preview and/or Save button at the top of the template.  Your template will be saved under Client Report Templates:

  • Changes to the template may be made at any time by selecting the template and editing.

  • Other changes to the template include Renaming, Duplicating, Deactivating, Deleting, and Managing Funders by selecting the shortcut button (lightning bolt on right hand side under actions).


Using the Template With a Client

Treatment report templates are used within the Client’s profile.


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