Rescheduled Cancelled Appointment Updates

Rescheduled Cancelled Appointment Updates

Learn more about the improvements made to appointments that are cancelled and later rescheduled that are available on the Desktop and Mobile Browser



Good To Know



Good To Know

New Status

When a cancelled appointment is rescheduled the original appointment will now display with the status, Cancelled- Rescheduled



Mobile Browser

Mobile App


  • For existing customers we will update any existing appointments with the status Cancelled-Needs Reschedule that were rescheduled to new status. This change is only a display update and will not impact cancellation reporting.

  • Deleting the rescheduled appointment will revert the original appointment to Cancelled- Needs Reschedule Status.

New Filter in Appointment List


  • Users must have permission to access the Appointment List.

Cancelled Appointment Options

After an appointment is rescheduled, the appointment with status cancelled-rescheduled will no longer appear as an option when users are rescheduling cancelled appointments.

  • Previously appointments that were rescheduled were included in this list.

  • If the rescheduled appointment is deleted, then the original appointment will be visible on this list again.


Cancelled appointments will remain on calendar

The original appointment will still be displayed as a cancelled appointment on the users calendar.


Mobile Browser:

Mobile App:


  • Prior to this feature, the original appointment would be deleted after rescheduling if the user had delete permissions.

  • On desktop, all cancelled appointments are denoted with a red exclamation mark, while on mobile they are denoted with red lines.

  • Cancelled appointments may be hidden.Show Cancelled Appointments Filter (Web/Mobile Browser)

Restrict Users from deleting appointments

Cancelled-Rescheduled Appointments may not be deleted.

  • These appointments are connected to the rescheduled appointment and are needed for reporting purposes.

Audit Trail- Original appointment

In the audit trail for the original appointment, the Action record will display:

Status: New Value Cancelled-Rescheduled

Rescheduled Appt ID: ( This is the ID of the appointment that was the reschedule)

If the rescheduled appointment is deleted, a new status change will also be recorded in the original appointment.



  • These records are viewable in the appointment and the reporting dashboard for users with permission to access Audit Trail and the Audit Trail Report.

Audit Trail- Rescheduled appointment

In the audit trail for the rescheduled appointment, user will see “cancelled appointment id” under the Modified field with reference to the cancelled appointment Id.

  • These records are viewable in the appointment and the reporting dashboard for users with permission to access Audit Trail and the Audit Trail Report.

New appointment list filter

Users may filter for cancelled-rescheduled appointments

  • Users must have permission to access the Appointment list

Appointment List Error Message Updates

  • Users will receive the error message below when selecting when trying to Delete Cancelled-Rescheduled appointments using the Actions>Delete function.


  • Users without Global Lock permissions or that have been provided a Global Lock Exception will receive the error message when selecting appointments and selecting the Actions>Delete option.


  • Users will receive the error message below when selecting appointments that are locked, in cancelled rescheduled status, or that the staff does not not have permission to access due to their scheduler permissions set by their company administrator.


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