Release 3/16/2023 - Mobile Only

Release 3/16/2023 - Mobile Only

Release Type: Mobile App

Release to App Stores: End of Day 3/16/23

Impacted Services: Mobile

New Features / Enhancements


New Features / Enhancements


Preview Skill/Behavior plans and previous data

Tutorial: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RBS/pages/3522691073

  • Ability to preview skill and behavior plans prior to a data collection starting a data collection session.

  • Ability to preview previous data entered on a skill or behavior without starting a data collection session.

Program refresh after syncing with internet connection & automastery

Tutorial: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RBS/pages/3523084302

Specific to automastery only:

When succesfully syncing data with targets, objectives, and goals that are automastered, the following will occur:

  • When the sync occurs the app will redownload the updated porgram changes based on automastery.

  • User will not need to log out and log back in to view these changes.


Collect Data Button Disabled on Previous Sessions

Tutuorial: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RBS/pages/3520987137

  • When attempting to enter an appoitnment that occurs in the past, the Collect Data button will not available

  • Collect data will only be available on appointments that occur in real time/same day.

  • If you need to backdate data, this can be done on the mobile browser or the website. https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RBS/pages/3071180821

Objective label for skills and behaviors

Tutorial: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RBS/pages/3521020539

In the setting area of both skills and behaviors, the following label will be added:

  • Skills: Current objective labeled with the assigned targets and to the right of the objective.

  • Behaviors: Current objective labeled to the right of the objective.

Improved messaging on calendar with continued sessions

Tutorial: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RBS/pages/3523084289

  • Clearer messaging to inform users who select continue session after collecting data without selecting any appointments that they first need to sync.



EVV Clock Out Reminder Messaging

Tutorial: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RBS/pages/3522953217

  • Users will receive a push notification reminder if they have clocked in but have not clocked out by the scheduled end time on the current day.


Issues Tackled

Ticket #s

Viewing BIP on Rethink mobile app

(released 3/20/23)

00133893; 00151945; 00152049; 00152135; 00152225; 00146957; 00149608; 00149773; 00150039; 00150205;


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