Release 3/16/2023 - Mobile Only
Release Type: Mobile App
Release to App Stores: End of Day 3/16/23
Impacted Services: Mobile
New Features / Enhancements | Description |
Preview Skill/Behavior plans and previous data Tutorial: |
Program refresh after syncing with internet connection & automastery Tutorial: | Specific to automastery only: When succesfully syncing data with targets, objectives, and goals that are automastered, the following will occur:
Collect Data Button Disabled on Previous Sessions Tutuorial: |
Objective label for skills and behaviors Tutorial: | In the setting area of both skills and behaviors, the following label will be added:
Improved messaging on calendar with continued sessions Tutorial: |
EVV Clock Out Reminder Messaging Tutorial: |
Issues Tackled | Ticket #s |
Viewing BIP on Rethink mobile app (released 3/20/23) | 00133893; 00151945; 00152049; 00152135; 00152225; 00146957; 00149608; 00149773; 00150039; 00150205; |