Target Specific Graphs and Notes Guide--Website ONLY

Target Specific Graphs and Notes Guide--Website ONLY

This feature will allow you to easily view each target on an individual graph and see notes that were added specific to that target. Target specific graphs and notes are viewable in view data, analyze data, and funder reports. To learn more about these features, watch the video overview and review the step by step guide below:

Overview Video: Target Specific Graphs and Notes Overview

Area of Rethink

Details and Images

Good to Know!

Area of Rethink

Details and Images

Good to Know!

View Data:

Target Specific Graphs vs. Combination Graphs

When you click on view data from the client program area or data entry, you will now see an option to view combination target graphs or target specific graphs:

Combination target graphs:

Target specific graphs:

Target Selection:

When selecting target specific graphs you will have the option to select all, none, or the specific target graphs needed. See the options below:

Phase Change Lines:

In View data, with the addition of target specific graphs, you have the option to view all phase change lines per, target specific phase change lines, or removing all phase change lines. This is a new drop down menu located next to the target selection drop down menu.


Similar to combination graphs, you can export progress from the view data area with target specific graphs as well. You have the option to export a graph image or the raw data details with your graph images.


  • Target specific graphs are available for both teaching and maintenance targets.

  • Baseline has a separate graph when using target specific graphs

  • By default all targets are selected, you can select none and then select the targets needed

  • By default all phase change lines will be shown on graphs, you can change the selection by using the phase change drop down menu if you only want to view target specific phase change lines.

  • All staff are able to view combination or target specific graphs.

  • Target specific graphs can be seen with all data collection types except task analysis. For task analysis, you will see the performance graph and the steps graph.

  • When exporting in view data, once you have selected the targets to view, the export reflects those targets.

  • If you have a program with a large number of targets, it’s recommended to select none first and then the select the targets needed for data analysis.


Adding and Editing Notes for Target Specific Graphs

Adding Notes for Target Specific Graphs:

You now have the ability to add a note on a target specific graph, the note will be added above the graph and will not interfere with your data.

Adding notes to the graph are completed on the client program page to the right of each target.

Follow these steps to add a note to your target specific graph:

  • Click on add note

  • Add a note and press save

  • If you need to edit your note, click on edit note

  • If you need to delete your note, click on edit note and delete all text, press save.

Once your note has been added, it can be seen in view data, analyze data, and funder reports:

View data :


  • Target specific graph notes have a character limit of 100. This is shown when you are adding your note.

  • Target specific notes apply to the specific target. Once the note is added it is placed at the top of the graph so that it doesn’t interfere with the data.

  • The note feature is a great way to document baseline of individual targets on each graph.

Company Account: Clinical Settings

New checkbox titled “Show Target Notes on Graph”

As an administrator if you want to turn on/off the target specific graph notes, this can be done in the company account clinical settings tab.

  • By default, the note feature will be turned on and administrators can make changes to this in the clinical settings tab of the company account.

  • By default if staff can edit a skill acquisition program, they will have the ability to add and edit target specific notes.

Analyze Data and Target Specific Graphs and Notes:

In analyze data, you are able to view target specific graphs as well.

Similar to view data, you can choose between combination graphs and target specific graphs:

Target selection:

When selecting target specific graphs you will have the option to select all, none, or the specific target graphs needed. See the options below:


Target specific notes that were added in the client program area can be seen on the target specific graphs in Analyze Data.

Phase change Lines:

In analyze data, with the addition of target specific graphs, you have the option to view all phase change lines per, target specific phase change lines, or removing all phase change lines. This is a new drop down menu located next to the target selection drop down menu.


Filters and Displays:

  • Any filters used with target specific graphs will be reflected on each individual graph as well.


  • When using target specific graphs in analyze data, there is an individual graph export for each target graph. You are able to export by CSV, Excel, or Graph Image. In addition, you are able to save target specific graphs to the file cabinet as a PDF.


  • The target specific graph feature is a great way to complete data analysis on programs that have a large number of targets.

  • By default, all targets will be shown when selecting target specific graphs.

  • The baseline checkbox applies to all target specific graphs as well.

  • Target specific graphs can be seen with all data collection types except task analysis. For task analysis, you will see the performance graph and the steps graph.

Funder Reports:

When running a funder report, you are able to create a report using target specific graphs as well.

  • You have the option to choose combination (performance), target specific, or cumulative graphs when creating a funder report.

  • Prior to previewing your data, you can make the selection of target specific graphs, how many graphs to have displayed per row, and phase change line display options on your graphs. You have the option to have 1 or 2 graphs per row. When choosing 2 graphs, the graphs are size smaller.

Target selection:

When selecting target specific graphs you will have the option to select all, none, or the specific target graphs needed. See the options below with funder reports:

Target Specific Graphs displays:

Displaying 2 graphs per row:

Displaying 1 graph per row:


Target specific notes that were added in the client program area can be seen on the target specific graphs in funder reports.

Filters and Displays:

  • Any filters used with target specific graphs will be reflected on each individual graph as well.


When using target specific graphs in funders reports, the PDF and Word Exports will show target specific graphs and the options selected in edit mode.


  • With target specific graphs, you have the option to have 1 or 2 graphs per row. When choosing 2 graphs, the graphs are sized smaller.

  • New!!! For Task Analysis programs, you will have the option to display the performance graph or the steps graph.


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