Classroom Dashboard Math Tab


When selected, the ELA tab is underlined and highlighted in blue. The default view is the current year with a dropdown to select previous year’s data. The Classroom Dashboard Academic Tabs (ELA and Math) are structured the same.

The graphs and chart information are arranged in order of most recent to least recent time periods established in the School Year Calendar Settings. As the school year progresses, more graphs and more columns are added until all time periods are included. When space on the page becomes an issue, a left to right scroll bar will appear under the chart so that all data (particularly in the chart) can be seen.

Including a district’s School Year Calendar Settings helps to see students' growth over the year and to analyze the effectiveness of any Intervention Plans associated with school year time periods. Since testing administration dates vary widely, there may be graphs that contain lots of data and other with very little data. The contents in each time period graph will match the contents shown in the chart beneath.

Expect also to see benchmarks labels differ according the the Assessment integrated. See Admin Settings: ELA and Math for more information about Benchmark names.


Dashboard > Classrooms (top navigation) > Select Classroom > Classroom: Select Reports (side navigation) >MTSS Side Navigation > Classroom Dashboard Overview Tab > Select Math Tab


Slice 2 - 2024-05-24T134939.128-20240524-174939.png
Example: Renaissance Star Math with School Calendar as Quarters and midway through school year

Page Contents: Graph and Chart


Graph Overview:

Each graph shows data collected for a specific content area (ELA or Math) and the specific time period labeled within each graph. (example: Quarter 2). The student lists remain consistent If a student takes the same test multiple times within the same time period, then the most recent results replace any previous results (Example: one student = one test result). We capture documentation of multiple test opportunities within the Student Dashboard. See: ELA Tab Features and UI Explanation and Math Tab Features and UI Explanation under the heading “Chart Overview” for more information.

Chart Overview:

Many of the features explained in Classroom Dashboard Overview remain consistent across the ELA and Math Tabs. See: Classroom Dashboard Overview for Chart Contents.

The contents of the Chart for both ELA and Math differ from the Classroom Dashboard Overview page in that they are specific to the content tab (ELA or Math) chosen. The headings also are different thus showing a more granular view of data collection specific to the each time period established in the School Year Calendar. The headings of: Time Period/ Tier Level, Time Period / Percentile Rank, Time Period/ Intervention Plan repeat until all time periods are included. The order of each group of headings are from the most recent to the least recent.

The headings include:


  • Includes the Student Name, and any Academic Needs or Other information as blue links.

Subsequent headings (shown below) repeat based on the Time Periods chosen in School Year Calendar

Time Period / Tier Level

Includes the following:

  • Tier Level during that specified time period

  • At Risk / Approaching Indicators (if applicable)

  • Tier Notice color cues (Red for Tier 3 and Orange for Tier 2)

    • Colored only if an intervention is not in place for the student

Time Period / Percentile Rank (Benchmarks)

Includes the following:

  • Percentile Rank during the specified time period

  • Benchmark label

Time Period / Intervention Plan

Includes the following: