Classroom Dashboard SEL Tab


When selected, the Classroom Dashboard SEL tab is underlined and highlighted in blue. The default view is the current year with a dropdown to select previous year’s data. Much of the same features and functionality as explained in the Classroom Dashboard Overview remain the same--- See sections: Content of Classroom Overview Page and Chart Content for the similarities.

Rethink Ed’s Student SEL Self Assessment provides two measures of growth in SEL (Fall and Spring tests) and the selections made on the Admin Settings SEL Tab establishes the Tier distinctions. The Classroom Dashboard SEL tab contains the same structure as the ELA and Math tabs in terms of graphs and charts showing the Periods determined in School Year Calendar. It is possible that there will be graphs/charts showing No Data if no students took the SEL assessment during a period of time established in School Year calendar.

The uniqueness of the Classroom Dashboard SEL tab is the addition of a heading and value within the chart that shows a Total Score. The value for the Total Score is taken from the Student Dashboard SEL Tab (See section: Chart Overview) and brought to the Classroom Dashboard to give the User a simple, overall view for each student within the class (students in grades 3-12 only). The Total Score (along with Admin Settings) serves as the determining factor for Tiers, Tier Notices, At Risk and Approaching indicators.


Dashboard > Classroom Tab (top navigation) > Select Classroom > Classroom Page > Select Reports (side navigation) > MTSS (side navigation) > Classroom Overview > SEL Tab


Slice 2 - 2024-05-28T083715.232-20240528-123715.png
(Classroom View: SEL Tab)


Putting It All Together:

Note: School Year Calendar Settings, Admin Settings, and Student’s grade levels all impact the image shown above.

Assume the image above is the current school year, what does the information in the chart tell you about the selections made in the School Year Calendar, the Tier Levels selected in Admin settings and the grade level of the students in this classroom?


Note: School Year Calendar Settings, Admin Settings, and Student’s grade levels all impact the image shown above.

Assume the image above is the current school year, what does the information in the chart tell you about the selections made in the School Year Calendar, the Tier Levels selected in Admin settings and the grade level of the students in this classroom?