Overview Graph | Admin Reports | Point System | Behavior Suite

We need to add an overview graph to represent the point system data. We also need to add a block to the overview for alerts.

DESIGN: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=0%3A24277

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system and I am a role 5-7, I will be able to see an overview graph of the number of unique students with at least 1 positive or negative behavior/points recorded for the given period

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system and I am a role 5-7, I will be able to see the total number of students with alerts triggered within the date range in all buildings, regions, and/or buildings the user has access to.

Classroom Behaviors (Points)


  • We will show a line graph in the overview graphs section.

  • The graph will be called Classroom Behaviors

  • Graph can be viewed cumulatively or non-cumulatively

  • There will be items in the drop-down for Positive Behaviors, Negative Behaviors, and Points Earned

  • Clicking on one of these toggles changes the view of the graph

  • The graph will show the number of students with positive behaviors, negative behaviors, or points earned

  • Hovering on the graph will show the total number of students with positive/negative behaviors recorded or total number of students who earned at least 1 point

  • Clicking View more will take the user to the classroom behaviors page in reports


Business Rules

  • Default is positive behaviors

  • Default is cumulative

  • District

    • Positive

      • Displays the number of unique students who have at least 1 positive behavior recorded within our date range at all child accounts the user has access to.

    • Negative

      • Displays the number of unique students who have at least 1 negative behavior recorded within our date range at all child accounts the user has access to.

    • Points

      • Displays the number of unique students who have at least 1 point recorded within our date range at all child accounts the user has access to.

    • This graph will show if the district or any of it's child accounts have purchased Behavior

  • Region

    • Positive

      • Displays the number of unique students who have at least 1 positive behavior recorded within our date range at all of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to.

    • Negative

      • Displays the number of unique students who have at least 1 negative behavior recorded within our date range at all of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to.

    • Points

      • Displays the number of unique students who have at least 1 point recorded within our date range at all of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to.

    • This graph will show if at least 1 of the selected regions or any of their child accounts have purchased Behavior

  • Building

    • Positive

      • Displays the number of unique students who have at least 1 positive behavior recorded within our date range at all of the selected buildings.

    • Negative

      • Displays the number of unique students who have at least 1 negative behavior recorded within our date range at all of the selected buildings.

    • Points

      • Displays the number of unique students who have at least 1 point recorded within our date range at all of the selected buildings.

    • This graph will show if at least 1 of the selected buildings has purchased Behavior

  • Role

    • Positive

      • Displays the number of unique students assigned to all users with the selected roles in all child accounts the user has access to who have at least 1 positive behavior recorded within our date range.

    • Negative

      • Displays the number of unique students assigned to all users with the selected roles in all child accounts the user has access to who have at least 1 negative behavior recorded within our date range.

    • Points

      • Displays the number of unique students assigned to all users with the selected roles in all child accounts the user has access to who have at least 1 point recorded within our date range.

    • This graph will show if any of the users assigned to any of the selected roles are assigned to Behavior

  • Team Member

    • Positive

      • Displays the number of unique students assigned to all selected team members who have at least 1 positive behavior recorded within our date range.

    • Negative

      • Displays the number of unique students assigned to all selected team members who have at least 1 negative behavior recorded within our date range.

    • Points

      • Displays the number of unique students assigned to all selected team members who have at least 1 point recorded within our date range.

    • This graph will show if any of the selected team members are assigned to Behavior

  • Student

    • Positive

      • Displays the number of unique students out of those selected who have at least 1 positive behavior recorded within our date range.

    • Negative

      • Displays the number of unique students out of those selected who have at least 1 negative behavior recorded within our date range.

    • Points

      • Displays the number of unique students out of those selected who have at least 1 point recorded within our date range.

    • This graph will show if any of the selected students belong to a building that has purchased Behavior



  • We will add a block called Alerts

  • This block will show the total number of students with alerts based on filter settings

  • Below the total number of alerts, we will show the number of students with behavior alerts and number of students with incident alerts

  • Clicking View more will take the user to the alerts page in reports.

Business Rules

  • District

    • We will show the total number of students with alerts triggered within the date range in all buildings the user has access to.

    • This block will show if the district or any of it’s child accounts have purchased behavior

  • Region

    • We will show the total number of students with alerts triggered within the date range in all selected regions' child accounts the user has access to.

    • This block will show if any of the selected regions or any of their child accounts have purchased behavior

  • Building

    • We will show the total number of students with alerts triggered within the date range in all of the selected buildings the user has access to.

    • This block will show if any of the selected buildings have purchased behavior

  • Role

    • We will show the total number of students with alerts triggered within the date range assigned to users with the selected roles in all buildings the user has access to.

    • This block will show if any user assigned to any of the selected roles has been assigned to behavior

  • Team Member

    • We will show the total number of students with alerts triggered within the date range assigned to any of the selected team members in all buildings the user has access to.

    • This block will show if any of the selected team members are assigned to behavior

  • Student

    • We will show the total number of students out of those selected with alerts triggered within the date range.

    • This block will show if any of the selected students belong to a building that has purchased behavior