Mobile App: Add Needs Verification Appointment Status Alert Badge and Label

Mobile App: Add Needs Verification Appointment Status Alert Badge and Label

This feature will allow users to easily identify appointments that have status Needs Verification. Appointments in this status require further action by staff in order for the system to consider them to be “Complete”.

**Needs Verification Status currently displays on the appointment in the website application. This feature is now adding this status to be viewable in the Rethink App.

NEW: Alert Badge added on Main Menu

  • Total appointments reflected in the Alert Badge are based on all appointments downloaded to the app which spans a 5 week period. (2 weeks before and after the current week)

  • Users must be online when downloading appointments to get the most up-to-date statuses.





Needs Verification Status added to Appointment Labels

Why does my appointment display as Needs Verification?

There are missing actions specific to Staff Verification, Parent Verification, and/or Session Note that need to be done in order for the appointment to be marked Complete.

  • Billable Appointments: Requirements are determined by every company. Please check with your system admin if you are unsure of what is required.

  • Non-Billable and Travel Appointments: Staff Verification is missing.


What should I do IF?:

What to Do

What should I do IF?:

What to Do

The billable appointment I downloaded to my app has a draft session note completed on the website and I need to complete the session note per my company requirements?


You will need to go to the website and complete the session note and submit it.