Release 7/16/2022

Release Type: Regular

Impacted Services: Website and Mobile App

Update 7/21/2022: Mobile app features updates listed below will be available in the app stores at the earliest Thursday 7/21/2022 Tuesday 7/26/2022

Android: version 10.11

iOS: version 6.11

New Features / Enhancements


New Features / Enhancements


Option to omit session note field headers by funder


Allows users to exclude client assigned facility/location, service line and service for any saved session note in the client’s file cabinet.

Mobile App: Task Analysis Step Graphs



Ability to view both performance and steps graphs when reviewing previously entered task analysis data.

This applies to task analysis with and without prompts for all types of chains.

Mobile App: View appointment series id

Ability to view series id on mobile appointments when an appointment is part of a series.

Mobile App: Session Note Error Message and send empty session note values

Display error message informing user the session note has blank values. This will occur when session note templates include only optional fields and the user does not complete any of the fields.


If a session note template has optional only fields and the user does not complete any fields, the app will pass the field values to the website.

This will resolve any issues with a session note displaying as “blank” on the website.

Care Management Platform: Send email communication when user changes password

  • Users who successfully change their password will receive the Successful Password Reset Email

  • Users who select the "Forgot password" link will receive the Recover and Reset Password Email

  • Users cannot re-use forgot password links that have already been used

Care Management Platform: Login improvement

Care Managers will have the ability to:

  • change their password within the care management platform at any time

  • recover and reset password flow if they've forgotten their passwords

  • Receive emails when their passwords update

  • View correct error messages and validation

Issues Tackled

Ticket #s

Unable to Sync Kareo Charges


Unable to upload image to session notes

#00114693, #00114852

Credential Error When Staff Has The Credential


Roles names and description flipped


Sandata EVV- Funder Setup


Staff Scheduler Permissions


Treatment Plan not saving correctly


Duplicate client funders are created


Cannot Update Funder Rate


Unable To Download Session Log


Behavior Support


Double Paycode
