Release 7/2/2022

Release Type: Regular

Impacted Services: Website, Mobile

New Features / Enhancements


New Features / Enhancements


Treatment Report Template & Funder Report Formatting Improvements

Add Appointment ID filter to Non EVV Appointment List View



  • Ability for users to search for series or appointment id in Appointment list (Non EVV View)

  • Tutorial:

Signatures via Data Warehouse API

  • As a DWH user, the ability to be able to pull the information for the Digital Signature to be able to recreate the image in JPG or PNG format.

Issues Tackled

Ticket #s

Wrong funder attached to appointment service


DPH info disappearing


Target specific phase change lines in funder reports


Data Entry missing on client program


Client funder report Pulling Goals Incorrectly

00118579; 00118723

Unable to change program data collection mthod - We are sorry page

00118042; 00118181; 00118239; 00118239

Unable to submit session notes after signing them

00118174; 00118360; 00118926

Billing Export 0 charges