Authorization Utilization Report

Authorization Utilization Report

This report can be pulled to show how well you are fulfilling client authorizations



Helpful Information



Helpful Information

Navigating to the Authorization Utilization Report

From the Reporting Dashboard, select Authorization Utilization under the Authorization reports section


  •  Users with permission “View/Download Authorizations” will be able to view/download this report

Generating the report

Auth Status: Run by active or expired auths or leave blank to pull in both options

Service Line(s), Location(s), Funder(s), Client(s), and Client Status: Run by one or more or leave blank to pull in all options

Date Range: Leave blank or run by a specific date range

Click Search or Export to Excel


  • Viewing this report in Rethink vs. Excel will show you the same information

Report Information

This report will show you:

  • Client’s Name, Funder associated with that client’s auth, Service Line associated with the auth, Auth #, Auth Units vs. the Frequency as set up in clients auths (EX: 100 units daily), Date range of auth, Service Name, Billing Code (this report breaks up your auth by showing each service/billing code)

  • Scheduling Goal is based upon auth set up which is optional to adjust for tracking purposes

  • Total Scheduling Goal based upon the date range of the authorization and the scheduling goal entered in clients auth

  • Total Auth Hours based upon date range of auth and what that auth is

  • Scheduled Hours show how many hours of that service has been scheduled

  • Unscheduled Hrs shows how many hours you have left to schedule

  • Verified Hours show how many of those scheduled hours have been verified/completed

  • Scheduled Auth shows where you are at in the authorization; It is the percentage being utilized towards the total auth

    • For example, if the scheduled auth is at 30% and there is one month left of that auth, you would know to start scheduling more appointments

  • Sched Goal shows where you are at in your utilization towards the total scheduling goal

  • Number of days until expiration, Status, and Rendering Provider as listed on the auth


  •  If ran by date range, there will be different results for the scheduled or utilization columns (Scheduled Hrs., Unscheduled Hrs., Scheduled Auth, Scheduled Goal) as it is showing what has been scheduled only during that date range

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