DPH Process for New Customers

DPH Process for New Customers

The use of Rethink’s DPH report for a new customer requires DPH test submissions and approval from DPH prior to utilizing this report. Once approved by DPH, customers can utilize the report as required by DPH. Please review this tutorial on using the DPH Report: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/l/cp/YZPkT91W

Key Points for New Customer Using DPH Report:

  • Rethink will only log into the DPH site (for testing and ongoing support) if the customer is using our full service billing services.

  • Rethink’s Professional Services team will provide training on the required client set up in Rethink and the export of the DPH report from Rethink.

  • Product team at Rethink BH will support questions related to DPH functionality in Rethink including fielding questions related to DPH file results the customer receives back from DPH.

  • Rethink BH’s Billing team will complete testing for DPH billing for full Service billing customers.

  • Rethink BH’s Billing team will support questions related to billing from Kareo/Tebra to DPH for self-billing customers.

DPH Testing Scenarios & Companion Guide:

Billing Scenarios (only to be completed by Rethink, if customer is using OSB): EIBI Billing Testing Scenarios_.pdf

EMR Scenarios (Rethink Product team to assist with questions, as needed, but customer involvement required): EIBI EMR Testing.pdf

DPH Companion Guide: MDPH Early Intervention Companion Guide v4.1.pdf


DPH Platform Process for Customer, After Successful Testing:

  1. Download DPH report from Reporting Dashboard

  2. User checks for any missing or incorrect information (for example, a funder start date and consent date are required for DPH)-Make corrections & re-download, if needed.

  3. Upload file to DPH

  4. Receive response file from DPH-review any errors & correct, if needed.

  5. Upload DPH response file back into Rethink on Reporting Dashboard-DPH Report "Import". This will add to all services a Progress Note ID and Service Log ID

  6. Can rerun the report, and any services missing the Progress Note ID and/or Service Log ID will be services that were not successfully uploaded to DPH.

  7. Billing is completed as a completely separate process to this DPH integration. See below.

DPH Billing Process for Customer, After Successful Testing (If using Self-Billing through Rethink):

  1. Using the Billing Export from Rethink, batch and upload claims to Kareo/Tebra

  2. Review file for any batch errors and make corrections, as needed.

  3. In Kareo/Tebra, review Draft Claims and Approve

  4. Print 837 from Kareo/Tebra

  5. Make any adjustments needed on the 837

  6. Upload 837 to DPH portal

  7. Once processed, export the 835 or EOB file from DPH

  8. Manually post the EOB to Kareo/Tebra

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