Staff Member Settings

Staff Member Settings

Prior to setting up individual staff profiles, default settings within the company account should be created within Staff Member Settings

Staff Member Titles

Staff member titles are created to organize user titles within your company and assign them to specific roles and permissions. In this section, you are creating user title options to choose from when you or another staff makes a staff profile as a subsequent step.

Within the company account, you have the ability to ADD, EDIT, or REMOVE staff titles.

  • When adding a new staff title, you’ll name the title and assign it to a Role

    • The account comes with 6 defaults roles that have default permissions already set (they can be viewed and edited in the Roles section). When adding a title to a role, consider who is recommended for that Role (i.e. Role 1 is recommended for Front Line Staff). That helps to determine what permissions are defaults for that Role.

    • Multiple titles can be in the same Role / have the same set of permissions

    • Staff cannot be assigned to multiple titles. You will need to make a new unique title and role if they have a combination of different permissions (i.e. an RBT who is also a scheduler)

    • There should always be a title within Role 4 and at least one staff from the organization should be in that title.

    • Titles do not need to match clinical credentials. Clinical credentials can always be placed in a Staff Member’s profile regardless of what title they hold as a Rethink user. (Example: A BCBA who also does all operations for the organization might hold the System Administrator title)

  • Use the DESCRIPTION field to clarify individuals who may fit in that title

  • You can also EDIT current titles to move into a different Role if needed

  • You cannot REMOVE a staff title if a staff is assigned to that title. You’ll need to edit the title field of the staff’s profile before deleting



Staff Member Statuses

Statuses are created to use within a staff member’s profile. The status helps identify an individual staff members status with the account (i.e. their status with the organization). A status can be titled whatever is preferred, but then is considered either an Active status or an Inactive Status (i.e. staff set to that status are considered active or inactive with the platform).

Example One: Staff status is titled “FORMER EMPLOYEE” and you keep it as an inactive status. This means any staff within the account who has a status of former employee, cannot log into Rethink as that status is inactive

Example Two: Staff Member Status “ONBOARDING” and it is left as an active status. Anyone set to the onboarding status would be considered an Active staff member within the rethink account (they can log in)

Additional Notes: Statuses should not be titled someone's name or staff title, they should be words that signify the status of the employee.



Staff Note Types (optional)

Staff note types are created if wanting to use the notes section of a Staff member’s profile. The type name helps to organize the type of note being left within a staff’s profile.

Example 1: Supervisors use the staff notes section to leave notes to a direct line staff about communication notes during a meeting

Example 2: HR uses the staff notes section to leave permanent records of staff infractions

  • The notes section within the profile functions like a post-it note or open notebook, not a session note, So note types should not be title by type of session (i.e. “Supervision Session Note”)

  • Access to view, edit or add notes to the notes section still requires a role permission

  • ·NO notifications are provided when a staff note is left in a staff profile


Employee Types (optional)

Employee Types are optional to add to the Company Account. They will appear within the General Information section of a staff’s profile and can be used for tracking purposes. They also appear within the Group Calendar view of the Scheduler to filter with. Examples are: Full Time, Part Time, Contract Worker.

Staff Member Custom Fields (optional)

You can create additional fields to appear within the General Information section of staff profiles and/or the staff list page.

Example One: “Hours Requested”. Rethink has the ability for you to enter in your staff’s availability on their profile but maybe they are available M-F from 8 AM-5 PM but only want to work 10 hours a week. You can create a Custom Field called “Hours Requested” to show this.

Example Two: “End Date” so you can note (if and when) that staff member stops working for you.

Additional Notes: Usually we recommend playing around in your system and going through all the modules/trainings. Then, if you realize there is a field that Rethink doesn’t already have that you would like added to your staff profiles, add a Custom Field.

  • Click “+ Staff Custom Field”

  • Type in the Label

  • Select the Type of Label you want this to be (Date, Drop-Down, etc.)

  • Click Check Name

  • Order: This is how it will appear within the staff profile and list page

Please note, only five custom fields can appear in the Staff List Page for you to filter by.