

Permissions within a Role determine what functions a user can perform for the account. All users who hold a staff title that exists within a Role will have the permissions of that Role when they log in. Every account comes with 6 premade Roles. These roles have default permissions identified by the “meant for” description within the role, but those permissions are meant to be edited to fulfill how your organization would prefer that role to function.

Example: Role 2 is meant for Treatment Supervisors (BCBAs, SLPs, OTs, etc.). The defaulted permissions within that Role fit the typical functions a typical BCBA, SLP, OT, may need to have once they log in, however, customizing those permission should still be completed.

This guide will provide users with the understanding of each of the Permission sections and what they entail as it relates to the account capabilities.




1. Company Account


Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)


VIEW ALL sections in the Company Account


  • Basic Information

  • Locations

  • Service Lines

  • Staff Member Settings

  • Funders

  • Client Settings

  • ABC Settings

  • Data Settings

  • Scheduling

  • VB-Mapp

  • *Billing Kareo Payers

  • *Kareo Settings

*(self billing /outsourced billing customers only)


  • Recommend giving this permission of the Company Account to “super users” of Rethink

  • Does not allow access to view ROLES (separate permission is needed)


Modify ALL data in the Company Account

  • Does not allow access to Edit roles (separate permission is needed)



2. Assign Staff Members

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Add Staff to Client

ASSIGN a staff member to a client or assign a client to a staff member


  • This works when either in the client profile or the staff profile

  • Users will not be able to assign a client to a staff member if they do not have access to that client’s profile

  • This does not rely on the staff info or staff level access to assign a staff member, however, they willl not be able to view the profile of the staff unless they have access permissions enabled

Remove Staff from Client

UNASSIGN a staff member to a client, or unassign a client to a staff member


3. Funder Reports


Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

View Reports

OPEN and VIEW funder reports within the client’s profile

DOWNLOAD and SAVE Funder Reports to Client Filing Cabinet


Funder Reports tab is the area in which Treatment Reports are written for the Client

Staff who do not write the Funder Report can still view a finished product of a Treatment Report without having access to this permission (within the client’s filing cabinet)


WRITE/CREATE a treatment report for the Client within the Funder Report tab.

RENAME the report using the “action” icon after being created


DELETE any funder report within the Funder Report section of a Client’s profile

DELETE Session Notes at the appointment level.

This does not indicate whether a user will be able to see a funder report within the client’s file cabinet, for these permissions, please see “FILE CABINET” below.


4. Rethink Assessment

When selecting these permissions for PARENT ACCOUNTS (or ROLE 5): Parents still need Assessments to be sent to them from appropriate Staff Members (“Send to Contact”) before being able to View or Edit, even if View and Edit are turned on in their Role

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Send to Contact

SEND Assessments through Rethink to the parent contact for the parent to view/edit

  • Note: parent must have access to Rethink and the permission below to edit the assessment sent to them if needed to fill out

  • Sending to contact does not send an email, it flags it in the assessment tab

  • Parents will not see things that are not sent to them even if they have “view” enabled



OPEN and EDIT the assessments

  • Prerequisite includes access to client and client info to see Assessments

  • If the VBMAPP has been added to a client, they are able to edit/create new assessments for that client

  • Users are not able to edit “started/unfinished” MNA assessments if they do not have “CREATE MNA” enabled


VIEW Assessments

  • Prerequisite includes access to client and client info to see Assessments

  • Does not allow for changes to be made

  • Must be enabled in order to edit or send to contact

  • Does not allow for “view” of MNA, see separate permission below.

Apply VB-MAPP License to Client

APPLY the purchased VBMAPP license to a client

  • Prerequisite includes access to client and client info to see Assessments

  • VBMAPP licenses are purchased from the COMPANY ACCOUNT page prior to being able to apply the license

  • This role permissions does NOT grant access to purchase the license, only apply

 View Medical Necessity Assessment


Create Medical Necessity Assessment

CREATE a new MNA for the client or edit an unfinished MNA

Delete Assessment

DELETE a VBMAPP or MNA assessment




5. Client Program


Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

View Goals & Videos

VIEW the client skill acquisition programs in the client program tab

VIEW the goals, mastery criteria, and any additional materials

Print/download the lesson plan

Would need to be enabled in order for users to see the program details in the app as well

Edit Goal Details

EDIT or customize the client’s programs (in the client program tab).

Edits may Include: adding targets, edit goals/objectives, editing mastery criteria, automastery, and auto-fade settings, etc.


6. Goal Library (Program Library Permissions)


Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)


VIEW programs from within the program library and supporting documents

Add Custom Goal

ADD custom programs to the program library for the entire company to utilize

Edit & Delete Custom Goal

EDIT and DELETE custom programs within the Program Library

EDIT a Rethink program to Create a custom program based on the Rethink Template


  • If a program has been added to a client, a custom program within the program library cannot be deleted

  • Any edits that they make within a custom program will have an effect on the client’s program

Add Goal to Clients

ADD programs from the program library to the client’s profile

Remove Goal from Clients

REMOVE programs from the client’s profile



7. Data Entry

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Enter Data

ENTER data for skill acquisition program and behavior support programs

DELETE their own data

MASTER targets/objectives within the data entry page


  • Must be enabled in order for users to collect data on the app

  • If Parents/Contacts (Role 5) have this permission enabled, there will not be an ability to discriminate which programs they can enter data for. Can be helpful for BCBAs/Supervisors to titled a program with “Parent Goal” so it is easier to discriminate which program to collect data

Reorder Programs

REORDER the visual display of the programs within the data entry page

  • Can only do within the data entry page on the website


Delete Data Collected By Others

DELETE Collected data collected by other users


Users will always have the option to delete their own data, this role permission is not needed to delete OWN data

Make Data Decisions

Make data decisions in regards to mastery criteria and mastering targets

Examples of data decisions:

  • Option is defaulted to be selected if the role already has Enter Data selected, but can still be de-selected

  • When creating a NEW role, option is defaulted to de-selected

  • Important: Roles and staff members that have the “Make Data Decision” permission unchecked will still be able to collect data even if mastery criteria has been met.

Delete Own Data

Access to delete data for:

  • baseline data

  • skill acquisition data

  • maintenance data

  • behavior plan data

  • phase change lines

  • ABC data

  • Option is defaulted to be selected if the role already has Enter Data selected, but can still be de-selected

  • When creating a NEW role, option is defaulted to de-selected

  • If needed, a role can have the ability to delete their own data but not delete others data

Unmaster Skill Goals and Targets

Access to UNMASTER targets in view data and unmaster a goal in the client program area

  • Option is defaulted to be selected if the role already has Enter Data selected, but can still be de-selected

  • When creating a NEW role, option is defaulted to de-selected


8. Analyze Data

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Run Reports

ACCESS the analyze data tab

CREATE graph reports


SAVE graphs to file cabinet


  • For Role 5 (Parents/Caregivers) you may enable this permission for contact to view graphs for programs if not allowing access to collect data

  • Pertains to the ANALYZE DATA tab, NOT regarding Funder Reports

Edit/Save Reports

This permission is no longer valid


Delete Reports

This permission is no longer valid




9. File Cabinet (Client Filing Cabinet)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)


VIEW files in the client’s filing cabinet

  • Prerequisite for Client’s filing cabinet is is Client Access #15 and Client Info #13

  • View function on a browser of a mobile device will download the file to the users device.

Move & Copy Files

MOVE files within the file cabinet to other (or same) folders within the client’s file cabinet

COPY files within the file cabinet to other (or same) folders within the client’s file cabinet

Download Files

DOWNLOAD files from the file cabinet to their device

Upload Files

UPLOAD outside sourced files to the file cabinet

Delete Files

DELETE files from the filing cabinet

Deleting a saved-to-file cabinet graph/funder report or session note within the file cabinet does NOT delete it from its original source. These reports will be available where they originated from.

Add/Edit/Move Folders

ADD additional folders,

EDIT the names of the current folders

MOVE the placement of folders

  • Mark a folder as a shared folder (shared folders are meant for parents/contacts)

Billable and Non-Billable Session Note Folders will automatically be added to a Client Filing Cabinet after the first session notes are completed and saved for any client.


ACCESS to the shared folders section of the filing cabinet ONLY

  • Tip: This is great for parent portals! Additionally, also can be used for staff members (if staff has shared only, they will not be able to view the unshared folders)

  • Prerequisite to this permission is VIEW

Rename Files

RENAME the files within the folders


10. Client Report Templates

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

View Templates

View the client report templates

When viewing, users are able to pseudo edit (add in filler text), however, they are not able to permanently SAVE their edits unless the permission “Add/Edit/Duplicate Templates” is enabled.

Add/Edit/Duplicate Templates

ADD templates to the company account

EDIT templates (e.g. add funders, include more fields, add filler text, inactivate templates)

CREATE duplicates of the templates or the company account

Client Report Templates is an area where multiple types of templates are made and used in different areas of the account

  • Treatment Reports

  • Billable Session Notes

  • Non-Billable Session Note

  • Custom Behavior Plans

Delete Template

DELETE an existing template from the client report template list


11. Reporting Dashboards


Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

 View/Download Client Reports

ACCESS to all client reports

This is regardless of client access chosen for this staff (#15)

View/Download Staff Reports

VIEW staff member reports

DOWNLOAD staff member reports

This is regardless of staff member access chosen (#17)

This allows to view and download training reports for staff completing trainings (Intro to Autism and ABA and RBT Training) within Rethink

View/Download Authorizations

VIEW and DOWNLOAD Expiring Authorizations and Authorization Utilization

View/Download Scheduling Reports


VIEW and DOWNLOAD the following reports:








View/Download Payroll Export

VIEW and DOWNLOAD the payroll export

View/Download Billing Export

VIEW and DOWNLOAD the Billing Export and BHPN Invoice

View/Download Funder Services

VIEW and DOWNLOAD the Funder services report

This report is a great way to audit your funder information for auditing rates, staff credentials connected and even rounding rules.

 View/Download Parent Verification

VIEW and DOWNLOAD the Parent Verification form

This form is specifically for CA providers working with Regional Centers

View/Download Staff Credential Report

VIEW and DOWNLOAD Staff Credential Report.



12. Resources & Training Center

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Access Resources & Trainings

ACCESS Intro to Autism and ABA Training


VIEW and DOWNLOAD Resources defaulted by Rethink

  • Prerequisite for the RBT Training is that the RBT box is checked within the individuals profile

  • Must be selected to access Company Resources section, but also requires that Permission #21

  • If this is enabled for role 5 (parent/contact), this role only allows the Intro to Autism and ABA training, and the Company Resources (if enabled).


13. Client Info

A prerequisite for this permission is section 15, Client Access. Which clients a staff member can see is first determined, then how much of that clients profile they can engage with is then selected.

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

View Client Info

VIEW the client profile

  • Must be enabled for opening appointments within scheduling, viewing clients programs, data entry, funder reports, viewing clients on the app etc.

  • Not able to view client notes unless this is added (see below)

Edit Client Info

EDIT ANY of the fields within the “client info” tab

Need this enabled to edit a client contact/send an invite to a parents

Add New Clients

ADD in new clients for the account

VIEW and EDIT are required permissions for this as well

Delete Clients

DELETE existing client profiles

VIEW and EDIT are required permissions for this as well

Deleted clients can be undelete

14. Client Notes

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

View Notes

VIEW notes within the client’s notes section

If this permission is granted, users can still make notes “private”. If made private the note will be private to the author and anyone in the Role 4 position

Add Notes / Edit Notes

ADD and EDIT notes within the client’s notes section

Delete Notes

DELETE notes created by anyone

VIEW notes is required for this permission


15. Client Access

Client Access permissions control which client appointments users will be able to search, open, and schedule. This also controls the client profiles the user is able to view.

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

 All Clients In All Locations

View ALL client profiles within the system; Search, open, and schedule appointments for ALL clients within the system

This permission is typically granted to staff who need to be able to view all clients within the company

Clients assigned to user

View only the client profiles manually assigned to the staff member; Search, open, and schedule appointments for clients manually assigned to the staff member

This permission requires clients and staff to be manually assigned to each other (assignment can be completed by anyone who has that permission)

All clients within user's Location(s)

View client profiles for clients assigned to the same location(s) the staff is assigned to; Search, open, and schedule appointments for clients assigned to the same location(s) as the staff member

Location assignments are done within the staff and client’s individual profiles. Assignments must match.

This option is typically meant for companies that have multiple locations


16. Staff Member Info

A prerequisite for this permission is section #18, Staff Profile Access. Which staff members another staff member can see is first determined, then how much of that staff profile they can engage with is then selected.

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

View Staff Info

VIEW staff members profiles

This permission does not affect staff reporting within the reporting dashboard

Edit Staff Info

EDIT information within the staff info tab

Excludes: Payroll, Staff Credentials, Notes as those are their own permissions

Add New Staff Members

ADD new staff profiles

View Payroll

VIEW staff payroll information added in their staff profile


Will also need ACCESS to view the staff profile

Edit Payroll

EDIT staff payroll info in their staff profile

Will need access to VIEW the staff profile and VIEW payroll

View Staff Credentials

VIEW the license/credential section of a staff profile

Will need access to VIEW the staff profile

Edit Staff Credentials

ADD and EDIT staff credentials within a staff profile

Will need access to view the staff profile and view the staff credentials

Dismiss Credential Warnings

DISMISS the credential warnings (or flags) for the staff member’s credential expiration

Will need access to edit a staff profile and view and edit the staff credentials

View/Edit Availability

VIEW and EDIT staff availability within a staff profile

Will need access to view and edit staff info


View/Edit Reminders

VIEW and EDIT reminders for scheduled appointments

This permission allows a staff member to turn on and edit the reminders on their profile or other staff profiles that user has permission to access



17. Staff Preference Center

This section is to select ON or OFF the ability to opt out of recording sessions for support related purposes.

This section is to select ON or OFF the ability to opt out of recording sessions for support related purposes.

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Edit Opt-In for Rethink to record log Staff activity to help identify and resolve support related issues

Allows users to decide if they wish to opt in or out of the platform recording sessions to assist in support related issues, if applicable.

System defaults all administrative role 4 permissions to have this feature selected

All recordings are HIPAA compliant and are used for the sole purpose of being able to resolve support related issues in a timely and efficient manner.

For more information on this permission refer to: Rethink Support HIPAA Compliant Recording Tool (Capture User Session Activity)


18. Staff Profile Access

This section is a SELECT ONE section. If multiple options are selected here, it will default to the most restrictive option.

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

All Staff In All Locations

VIEW ALL Staff within the system


All Staff within the user’s location(s)

VIEW staff who share the same location

Staff locations are set within the staff’s individual profile

Own Profile ONLY

VIEW their own profile ONLY



19. Staff Notes (Notes Section within Profile)

A prerequisite for this permission is section #18, Staff Profile Access. Notes sections are seen within a staff member's profile.

This does not refer to session notes

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

View Notes

VIEW notes added to the staff notes section

If this permission is granted, users can still make notes “private” when writing the note.. If made private the note will be private to the author and anyone in the Role 4 position

Add Notes / Edit Notes

ADD and EDIT the notes added to the staff’s notes section

Must be able to view notes

Delete Notes

DELETE notes within the staff’s notes section

Must be able to view notes


20. Staff File Cabinet

A prerequisite for this permission is section #18, Staff Profile Access and View Staff Info in #16, Staff Member Info

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)


VIEW the staff file cabinet within the staff profile

Move & Copy Files

MOVE and COPY files within the file cabinet

Download Files

DOWNLOAD files from the file cabinet

Upload Files

UPLOAD files from an outside source to the staff file cabinet

VIEW must be enabled

Delete Files

DELETE files from the staff file cabinet

VIEW must be enabled

Add/Edit/Move Folders

ADD folders

EDIT existing folders

MOVE folders within a staff profile


VIEW must be enabled

Add/Edit/Move Folders For All Staff Members

Add/Edit/Move Folders For All Staff Members

VIEW must be enabled

Rename Files

RENAME files within the staff file cabinet

VIEW must be enabled


21. Role Permissions


Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

 Add/Edit Permissions

ADD Roles to the company account page

EDIT permissions for existing Roles


User must have access to view the company account page

Typically a permission only set for super users/Role 4


22. Behavior Support


Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)


VIEW the Behavior support plans

Is needed to see plan details on website and mobile app

Add/Edit Behaviors

ADD/CREATE new behavior plans

EDIT existing behavior plans


23. Company Resources

A prerequisite for this permission is section #12, Resource and Training Center as Company Resources are housed within that tab.

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)


VIEW the company resources that were added to this section

VIEW and DOWNLOAD are needed for each subsequent permission

Move & Copy Files

MOVE and COPY files within the Company resources folders

Download Files


DOWNLOAD files from the Company Resources section

Upload Files

UPLOAD files to existing folders within the company resources section

Delete Files

DELETE files from the company resources section

Add/Edit Folders

ADD and EDIT folders within the company resources section

Also allows users to delete folders


24. Scheduler Views

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)


Grants ACCESS to the “Individual” calendar within the scheduler

The clients that the user is able to search for depends on their Client Access permissions (#15) and the staff the user is able to search for depends on their Scheduler Permission (#25)


Grants ACCESS to the “Group” calendar within the scheduler

The clients that the user is able to see depends on their Client Access permissions (#15) and the staff the user is able to see depends on their Scheduler Permission (#25)

Appointment List

Grants ACCESS to the “Appointment List” view of the scheduler, which can be filtered and downloaded to an excel spreadsheet.

This view is commonly used for reporting purposes

The clients that the user is able to search for depends on their Client Access permissions (#15) and the staff the user is able to search for depends on their Scheduler Permission (#25)


25. Scheduler

A prerequisite for this permission is section #24.

This permission (#25) allows you to decide what users are able to see on the calendars that you selected under permission #24.

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Drop-down menu

Option 1: Staff: User Only/ Clients: Based on User’s Client Access

VIEW own user appointments

This permission allows the user to see only their own user calendar

To determine what client’s the user can search, open, and schedule appointments for, refer to what was chosen for this role in #15 Client Access permission

Drop-down menu

Option 2: Staff: All Staff in All Locations/ Clients: Based on User’s Client Access

VIEW all staff in all locations

This permission allows the user to see other staff members calendars

To determine what client’s the user can search, open, and schedule appointments for, refer to what was chosen in this role for #15 Client Access permission

View Calendar

VIEW Calendar of the option selected within the drop down menu

Required permission for viewing the scheduler and appointments within the mobile app

View Appointments

View appointments and to see appointments within the app


Verify Appointments

ADD staff signatures, parent signatures, and session notes

Parent portals (ROLE 5) will not be able to add session notes with this permission

View Audit Trail

Have the ability to see any appointment and/or session note activity history at the appointment level.

  • A new record will be added to the Audit Trail table when any of the following actions are completed: Create Appointment, Modify Appointment, Staff Verification, Parent Verification, Create Session Note, Modify Session Note.

  • The Global Lock field will display in the audit record if the user with the global lock permissions was able to make changes during the global lock period, or if the user with non global lock permissions was given an exception during the global lock period.

View Verification Address

View the verification address on the staff and parent signatures

Will be auto selected if user has the permission to Add Appointments

 Add Appointments

ADD/CREATE appointments or appointment series

Edit Appointments

Edit the appointment details of an Unverified appointment




Examples of edits: Scheduled start/end time, date, service, location, paycode, client/staff member

Note: Users do not need this to edit session notes, they are able to edit their own session notes at any time

Cancel Unverified Appointments

Cancel unverified appointments

Allows users to Bulk Cancel unverified appointments in the Appointment List view of the Scheduler (If the Appointment List has been selected as a Schedule Views permission)


  • Unverified appointments are defined as: Appointments not in “complete” status OR appointments that do not have a Staff Verification or a Parent Verification

  • Users may cancel appointments with existing session notes and principal verification

Cancel Verified Appointments

Cancel verified appointments

Allows users to Bulk Cancel verified appointments in the Appointment List view of the Scheduler (If the Appointment List has been selected as a Schedule Views permission)

  • Verified appointments are defined as: Appointments with existing staff, parent or prinicipal verification

  • Appointments with a Complete Status may NOT be cancelled

  • Users with cancel verified appointment permission by default will also be able to cancel unverified appointments

Uncancel Appointments

Allows staff to uncancel a previously cancelled appointment

  • If the “Allow staff to uncancel appointments” toggle is Off in the Company Account>Scheduling area, then the permission will not be visible in this Company Account>Roles>Edit Permissions area

  • "View Calendar" and "View Appointments" permissions will be auto-selected IF they are not already selected

Delete Appointments

Delete unverified appointments

Allows users to Bulk Delete appointments in the Appointment List view of the Scheduler (If the Appointment List has been selected as a Schedule Views permission)

Unarchive Appointments (Auto Archived Only)

Allows staff to unarchive auto archived appointments if an appointment becomes auto-archived by mistake or if a user decides to reverse the change

  • Auto-archived appointments occur if certain details from an appointment are updated after the appointment has been created. These details may include a staff member or client change. The purpose of auto-archiving an appointment is to ensure that any data or session notes tied to the original appointment are not lost if updates are made and are able to be retrieved, if desired.

  • If the “Allow staff to unarchive auto archived appointments” toggle is Off in the Company Account>Scheduling area, then the permission will not be visible in this Company Account>Roles>Edit Permissions area

  • "View Calendar" and "View Appointments" permissions will be auto-selected IF they are not already selected

Edit Verified Appointments

Edit verified appointment details Including: Staff verified time, service, location



Note: Once an appointment has a session note, or staff signature or parent signature, the date of the appointment is not allowed to be changed, please reach out to Rethink Support

Delete Verified Appointments

Delete verified appointment details


Note: Deleting a verified appointment does not delete a session note from the file cabinet. Users will need to delete the session note from the file cabinet with a “delete files” permission above

Bulk Verify

Allows users to Bulk Verify appointments in the Appointment List view of the Scheduler


Needs ability to Edit Appointments in order to Bulk Verify and add a Signature

Needs Appointment List as a Scheduler Views Permission

We do NOT Recommend giving this to parent profiles, this may cause some issues as parents would be able to accidentally verify the incorrect appointments.

Approve EVV Appointments

Approve appointments to be sent to your EVV vendor in the Appointment List view of the Scheduler

Override Clock In/Clock Out for EVV Appointments

Verify EVV appointments on the browser and attach a reason code

Access Previous Session Notes

Access and restore previous session notes on the appointment level.


Global Lock

Manually lock all staff schedules as of a specific date and the ability to make exceptions for specific users when needed.

  • Only staff with the scheduler role permission “Staff: All Staff in All Locations/ Clients: Based on User’s Client Access” may be provided Global Lock Permissions.

  • Global Lock rules do not apply to users with Global Lock Permissions.

  • Global Lock Exception grants only the added user as an exception, even if the user normally has access to add/edit/delete appointments for other staff.

  • It is recommended to provide the Global Lock permission to limited staff.

26. Session Notes

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Permission Name

Allows Users To

Description (Good to Know)

Request Remote Parent Signature

Request parent/guardian signatures on a session note remotely

  • This permission applies to Billable Session Notes only

  • This permission will be defaulted for Role 2, 3, and 4

  • This permission will not be available for Role 5 (Parent Accounts)